Applied Coaching Research Journal Research Journal 3 | Page 23

APPLIED COACHING RESEARCH JOURNAL 2019, Vol. 3 people and you don’t want to ever leave them”. Compared with other settings young people attend (eg school), young people felt they were accepted and therefore could be themselves. “Everyone in here will accept you for you, whereas in other places you have to pretend to be someone else so that they won’t judge you.” Taken together, these perceptions of doorstep sport seem to contribute to young people placing an emphasis on having fun. “We don’t really take much care about how well we are doing in the sports, we just try and have as much fun as we can.” Conclusion Coach-created motivational climates directly impact the quality of participants’ motivation for sport participation and in turn the extent to which they enjoy sport, want to return week after week, and their well-being experienced in and potentially through sport. The current case study shows examples of how the Empowering Coaching for Doorstep Sport (EC4DS) workshop has enhanced manager and coach understanding of coach-created climates and the impact these have on the quality of young people’s participation, relevant features of coaching behaviour, and implications for long-term quality of engagement in doorstep sport. Coaches developed empowering strategies (and reduced disempowering behaviours) to enhance participant motivation. Reported perceptions of the impact of creating more empowering climates in doorstep sport included increased participant recruitment, greater levels of enjoyment, and greater investment of effort and skill development. Note: This project is made possible through funding from the Economic Social Research Council. References Bean, C., Harlow, M., Mosher, A., Fraser-Thomas, J. and Forneris, T. (2018) ‘Assessing differences in athlete-reported outcomes between high and low-quality youth sport programs’, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. 30, 456-472. Duda, J. L. (2013) The conceptual and empirical foundations of Empowering CoachingTM: Setting the stage for the PAPA project, International Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 11, pp. 311-318. Duda, J. L. and Balaguer, I. (2007) ‘Coach-created motivational climate’, in Jowett, S. and Lavallee, D. (ed.) Social psychology in sport. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, pp. 117-130. Ryan, R. and Deci, E. (2017) Self-determination theory: Basic psychological needs in motivation, development, and wellness. New York: Guilford Pubishing. Smith, J. A. and Osborn, M. (2004) Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, in Breakwell, G. M. (ed.) Doing Social Psychology Research. Oxford, UK: The British Psychological Society and Blackwell Publishing, pp. 229-254. Sport England (2016) Towards an Active Nation. [online] Available at: media/10629/sport-england-towards-an-active- nation.pdf [Accessed 20 Oct. 2018]. Contact Dr Charlotte Woodcock - [email protected] Prof Joan L. Duda - [email protected] Ceris Anderson - [email protected] 23