Applied Coaching Research Journal Research Journal 2 | Page 23
Reviewing Pete’s coaching journey alongside
relevant research has illustrated three
key conclusions: References
1. An important element of coaching effectiveness
is an openness to learning. 2
Whether a coach starts from being an ex-athlete
or is a relative novice to the game, it is important
to be aware of the different learning available
and to seek out new opportunities that suit their
character and context. Pete’s learning path has
particularly demonstrated the power of informal
and unmediated learning, as he found that initially
getting things wrong on the field motivated him to
be self-regulated in his learning, and actively seek
new and better ways of coaching.
Werthner, P. and Trudel, P. (2006). ‘A new theoretical
perspective for understanding how coaches learn to
coach’, The Sport Psychologist, 20: 198-212.
Moon, J. A. (2004). A Handbook of Reflective and
Experiential Learning: Theory and Practice. London:
Routledge Falmer.
Gilbert, W., Cote, J. and Mallet, C. (2006). ‘Developmental
paths and activities of successful sports coaches’,
International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 1:
Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential Learning: Experience
as the Source of Learning and Development. Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Schön, D. (1983). The Reflective Practitioner: How
Professionals Think in Action. Aldershot: Ashgate
2. Learning becomes more meaningful if a coach
spends time reflecting on their experiences and
making appropriate adjustments.
Gilbert, W. and Trudel, P. (2006). ‘The coach as a reflective
practitioner’ in Jones, R. L. (ed), The Sports Coach as
Educator: Reconceptualising Sports Coaching. London:
Routledge. 113–127.
It was Pete’s willingness to reflect on his
experiences that was the catalyst for changing his
coaching practice. His approach to accepting new
challenges, such as the FA futsal roles, is an example
of transitioning to a new context and being able to
select the best coaching approach depending on the
needs of the players in front of him. He was able
to transition between different roles in his career
because he continuously evaluated the needs of the
athletes and the activity, reflecting on his ability to
meet those needs and then taking steps to improve
his knowledge and coaching practice.
Cushion, C., Armour, K. and Jones, R. (2003). ‘Coach
education and continuing professional development:
Experience and learning to coach’, Quest, 55: 215-230.
Cassidy, T., Jones, R. and Potrac, P. (2004). Understanding
Sports Coaching: The Pedagogical, Social and Cultural
Foundations of Coaching Practice. London: Routledge.
Trudel, P. and Gilbert, W. (2013). ‘The role of deliberate
practice in becoming an expert coach’, Olympic Coach
Magazine, 24, (2): 15-28, 19.
3. Actively collaborating with others is important
for expanding the depth and breadth of
professional development.
Pete’s eventual philosophy of designing an
environment that encourages creativity was
influenced at several key stages by his experiences,
his research and his connections. By cultivating
professional relationships with more experienced
practitioners and actively engaging in collaborative
social learning, Pete discovered new perspectives
and practices, which greatly enhanced his
professional development.
In summary, this conversation with an experienced
practitioner has shown that if a coach is willing to
continuously develop their knowledge, to adapt
their coaching style according to their experiences,
and to actively engage in collaborative learning,
then their coaching career is more likely to be an
effective one, with the potential to impact not just
their own development but that of others.
Becker, A. (2013). ‘Quality coaching behaviours’, in
Potrac, P., Gilbert, W. and Denison, J. (eds), Routledge
Handbook of Sports Coaching. London: Routledge. 184-
Cropley, B. and Hanton, S. (2011). ‘The role of reflective
practice in applied sport psychology: Contemporary issues
for professional practice’, in Hanton, S. and Mellalieu, S. D.
(eds), Professional Practice in Sport Psychology: A Review.
London, UK: Routledge. 307-336.
Côté, J. (2006). ‘The development of coaching
knowledge’, International Journal of Sports Science and
Coaching, 1, (3): 217–222.
Pete Vallance – [email protected]