One Degree Of Separation
For over 30 years , we have been serving our clients by providing them competitive and comprehensive personal and commercial lines of insurance coverage .
At Mayer Insurance , we believe our customers should have a voice in designing the coverage they need to protect themselves , their families and businesses . We work with our customers to help identify insurance needs , and coverage choices in the design of a cost effective insurance plan to meet those needs .
Personal Insurance : Auto Home Life Health / Dental Recreational Vehicles
Commercial Insurance : Business Auto Commercial General Liability Commercial Property Inland Marine Coverage Workers Compensation
Call Mayer InsuranCe and let our exPerIenCed staff helP desIgn an InsuranCe Plan that works for you .
Mayer InsuranCe ( 952 ) 432-5900
Located in the U . S . Bank Bldg . 15025 Garrett Ave , Suite 201 , Apple Valley www . mayerinsurance . com