The Chamber Turns 50 !
Apple Valley & The Chamber Today
Today , Apple Valley is the 17th most populous city in Minnesota with over 55,00 residents as of 2019 . It is part of one of the top school districts in Minnesota and has a growing and thriving business community . Cedar Avenue runs right through the middle of Apple Valley and has an Annual Average Daily Traffic ( AADT ) rate of 51,000 , making it a prime location for businesses to establish themselves . Apple Valley has over 600 businesses , with more than half as members of the Chamber of Commerce , more than twice the national average for Chamber participation . Whether a small mom-and-pop or a large chain , it is no secret that Apple Valley is a great spot to build a business thanks to its vibrant economy , well-educated workforce , and local amenities .
Our Chamber ’ s 50th Anniversary isn ’ t just a moment in time . It is as much a marker on our time ’ s continuum as was the uniting rail-spike at Promontory Point connecting our country ’ s transcontinental railway . We look back and ahead simultaneously to know how far our prosperity really reaches . Apple Valley , which has been named the “ 17th Best Place To Live ” can dream to be # 1 .
The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic is not alone in our 50 year history . We have survived
health scares and downturns before and come out on the other end closer and stronger . The Apple Valley Chamber isn ’ t like any other Chamber of Commerce . Our events during normal years are unsurpassed , our leadership long-term and our membership gets stronger and more united . While the pandemic definitely tested us and presented us with neverbefore-seen challenges , with the help of our dedicated leadership and faithful members we were able to endure the COVID crisis and look forward to taking the Chamber to new heights .
Aerial photos of Apple Valley over the years
Aerial view of Apple Valley in 1957 . The main road running North / South is Cedar Ave and the main road running East / West is 150th St W .
Aerial view of Apple Valley in 1964 . The main road running North / South is Cedar Ave and the main road running East / West is 150th St W .
28 Apple Valley Chamber of Commerce | 952.432.8422
Aerial view of Southport Airport in Apple Valley . This photo was taken during the mid 1960 ’ s and is looking South . This area has now been developed into what is known as Southport Centre I-VI and is home to lots of retail and food options .