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Dakota County
Apple Valley • Farmington • Rosemount
DakotaCountyTribune . com Nov . 20 , 2020 • Volume 136 • Number 38 Established 1884
New Nature Illuminated event supports Minnesota Zoo
Community members are invited to “ let winter , let the magic of dazzling lights connect you to some of the world ’ s most endearing and endangered animals – all while supporting the Minnesota Zoo .”
Nature Illuminated is a brand new nighttime , drivethru event featuring custom-designed pieces of illuminated , animal art , running from Dec . 3 to Jan . 17 . From the warmth and comfort of their own vehicles , visitors embark on a one-of-a-kind journey featuring largerthan-life animals all while following along through an audio tour filled with stories and sounds of these animal species .
The tour includes a 30-foot red panda , a cockatoo that ’ s larger than a car , and nearly 30 other inflatable art pieces designed , printed , and stitched by the artists at Landmark Creations in Burnsville . Over the years , their custom work has been featured at the MTV Video Music Awards , Coachella , the GRAMMY Awards and many other prominent concerts and events around the country .
Presented by Wings Financial Credit Union , with additional support from Dakota Electric Association and Landmark Creations , Nature Illuminated is a limitedtime winter event to support the Minnesota and its mission . Tickets are now on sale . The cost is $ 25 per vehicle Sundays-Thursdays for zoo members and $ 50 per vehicle for nonmembers ; Fridays and Saturdays are $ 35 per vehicle for members and $ 60 per vehicle for nonmembers . All tickets must be purchased online in advance at mnzoo . org .
Additional event information , including available timeslots and a behind-the-scenes look at the making of Nature Illuminated , can be found online at mnzoo . org .
Seasonal Storage Now Available
Nature Illuminated is a brand new nighttime , drive-thru event featuring custom-designed pieces of illuminated , animal art , running from Dec . 3 to Jan . 17 . The animal art includes a cockatoo larger than a car .
Holiday Magic in Dakota County
Page 14A
Longtime Farmington senator dies
Pat Pariseau served in the Senate for 21 years byTad Johnson signed . During her time in the
Senate , Pariseau served as
Patricia Pariseau , who assistant minority leader served the Farmington and championed causes and Lakeville area related to the outdoors , natural re- in the Minnesota Senate for 21 years ,
sources and the died on Nov . 13 after a decade of los- When she retired
2nd Amendment .
ing herself bits at a in 2010 , she was time to dementia , the lead Republican on the Senate her obituary said . Pariseau moved
Pat Pariseau
Environment and to the rural Farmington farm owned by Committee and worked on
Natural Resource husband Kenneth ’ s family in July 1960 after they constitutional amendment
the right to hunt and fish
married . Pat and Kenneth and many other pieces of Pariseau had six children . outdoor-related laws . Kenneth died in 2006 . Before retiring from
Pat Pariseau was a the Senate , she in carried Farmington School Board the high-profile concealed member and worked for carry gun permit bill — a two U . S . senators before piece of legislation she being elected to the Minnesota Senate in 1989 for a decade .
struggled to see enacted
when she won a special State Rep . Pat Garofalo , R-Farmington , said election to fill out the two years left on the term of at that time Pariseau deserved 100 % credit for
Darril Wegscheid , DFL- Apple Valley , who re-
See Pariseau , 10A
AppleValley woman reported neighbor repeatedly harassed her Suspected shooter declined mental health services before apparent murder-suicide by Patty Dexter
Apple Valley police say the man suspected of shooting two people before taking his own life on Nov . 4 declined mental health services after his neighbor previously called police on multiple
occasions to report he was allegedly harassing her .
Authorities identified the suspected shooter as 51-year-old Raymond Ronald Rosenbaum on Nov . 12 . Rosenbaum died of a gunshot wound to the head at 8:43 p . m . Nov . 4 . The manner of death was listed as suicide , according to the Hennepin County Medical Examiner .
Police believe Rosenbaum used a . 40-caliber handgun to shoot 52-year-old Faye Elizabeth Brown , who died of a gunshot wound to the torso on Nov . 4 and a 56-year-old man who survived and was hospitalized . The three
of them all lived at the Morningview condominium complex at 7600 157th Street W .
Police said in a Nov . 12 news release the 56-year-old man has since been released from the hospital and is expected to make a full recovery . His name is not being released at his request .
Visitation and funeral services for Brown were held Nov . 16 in Bloomington .
Brown grew up in Wolf , Minnesota , and enjoyed taking long walks , archery and working out See Shooting , 10A
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