APPInep Winter issue 2019 APPInep e-Newsletter 13 final | Page 18

Reflection time... The Primary Teacher Confirmation Scale Confirmation Scale (PTCS), which I developed and Introduction In this short article I present a recipe for teachers tried out during my practicum. who value affect in their classrooms. It shares the How I created and used my Primary Teachers outcomes of a study (1) , which was part of an action Confirmation Scale research project integrated into a two-semester practicum, as part of my pre-service master’s degree in primary English education in Universidade Nova, Lisbon. I have come up with a set of stages for you to follow, so you can create your own PTCS and use it in your own primary English classrooms:  First, I came up with and listed statements of Why is affect important in our classrooms? what I thought was confirming behavior to use Teachers of English should be aware of how they in my own PTCS e.g. “A minha professora de make children feel, how children’s perceptions may inglês dá-me oportunidade para falar”. differ to their own and strive to ensure there is a respectful and encouraging environment in their classrooms. Children need to feel they are learning in an environment where they can experiment and make mistakes to learn. Attention to affect and developing children’s self-esteem in the language classroom is known to provide “a supportive atmosphere in which we can better encourage learners to work hard to reach their learning potential” (2) . communicate to students they are valuable, individuals” (3) . If teachers communicate they care about their learners, it a teacher should have.  Then I compared the children’s selected qualities to my statements and adjusted my statements to include those I had not taken into consideration e.g. “A minha professora de inglês é divertida”. an example is at the end of the article. Confirmation is “The process by which teachers creates asked them to write down the qualities a good  My PTCS was now ready to give the children – What is Confirmation? significant  Next, I gave the children a take-home task and more positive and affective environment and supports learning. If teacher confirmation means the child feels heard and Children disrespected and feel therefore may beginning of the school year, but only after I had spent a couple of weeks with them, as they need to have experienced me as a teacher first. As you can see, the PTCS is in Portuguese and the children have to indicate whether they think a statement is true or false. exact  I took in the completed PTCS and reflected on unheard, their opinions. This involved making a ´To do develop list` for myself to help me make certain respected, disconfirmation means the opposite.  I gave my PTCS to the children at the and changes to my behavior. In my case, the towards English. In order to measure affect and children’s responses showed that I didn’t know negative attitudes towards the teacher monitor emotions in your class, you may use the Primary Teacher 18