Apparel Online Vietnam Magazine May Issue 2019 | Page 4

CONTENT FFT Trends Cover Story Vietnam and Japan: Building strong relations The pace at which Japan has been investing in Vietnam’s garment and textile sector over the last few years is enough to give South Korea, one of the biggest investors in Vietnam, a tough run for its money. Early last year, Sakai Amiori, a Japanese firm, had started an apparel production unit in Phu Ha Industrial Zone... p8 Vietnam & Beyond Brands should not pressurise garment suppliers in order to avoid worker exploitation in Vietnam: FLA Foreign fashion brands Vol. 3 ISSUE 12 MAY 2019 The Menswear Trend Report: Fall 2019 changes everything p26 Resource Centre Face-to-Face with Lectra: AI, ML, IoT, MTM, Robotics are no more just buzz words! p20 should avoid putting pressure on their garment suppliers in Vietnam...p12 Vietnam Insight IFC’s unparalleled vision to bolster the garment and textile industry of Vietnam Unparalleled growth, over the last few years, has made Vietnam one of the top five largest textile exporters in the world. Considering that the country earned an astounding US $ 36 billion from the export of apparels and textiles in 2018, it will not be a surprise if Vietnam joins the top three textile exporters in the years to come.... p18 24 Tech Management Myth Buster: Misconceptions that bar efficiency increases in dyeing ‘Continuous’ or ‘discontinuous’ processing, ‘pre-treatment’ or ‘post-treatment’, a dyer is always in a dilemma while achieving scale or defining scope. Although everyone’s common goal is to achieve maximum utilisation of equipment across different dyeing processes and different order volumes, the reality is hounded by traditional beliefs. 4 Apparel Online Vietnam | MAY 2019 | World Wrap Highlighting the Key Retail Trends of 2019 p32