Apparel Online Vietnam Magazine December Issue 2018 | Page 4
World Wrap
Cover Story
The growing textile trade relations between Vietnam
and South Korea; Japan becoming big export earner for
Vietnam… p8
Vietnam & Beyond Resource Centre
will, in all probability, see an increase of 14.8
per cent in 2018 to reach the projected target
of US $ 35 billion... p12 a fast-growing apparel and textile hub like
Vietnam, it definitely comes as a surprise to
know that there are hardly any trade shows
or exhibitions exclusively on apparels, fabrics
and yarns... p24
Vietnam’s apparel exports
to witness increase amidst
trade war Apparel exports in Vietnam
Too few trade shows for a
too big garment hub: Lot
to think for Vietnam... For
Vietnam Insight
India and Vietnam:
Building the textile bond
Vietnam Customs Statistics in one of its
recently released data affirmed about the
growing apparel and textile trade relations
between Vietnam and India... p20
Vol. 3 ISSUE 7 DECEMBER 2018
Tech Management
Myth Buster: Are you
measuring work content
4 Apparel Online Vietnam | DECEMBER 2018 |
US retail upbeat for holiday
sales 2018… Learnings from
last year shaping strategies
There are many factors that are raising
expectations of retailers for the upcoming
holiday season from a bumper sale during the
period last year to the continuous improvement
in retail sales over this year.... p32
FFT Trends
London Fashion Week S/S
2019: The perfect confluence
of vintage silhouettes and
modern tailoring p34