Apparel Online India Magazine November 1st Issue 2018 | Page 48

TRADE STATISTICS Chinese apparel shipment continues falling in EU; Bangladesh takes advantage January to July 2018 European Union has not been witnessing any major turnaround in its apparel imports. However, in the first half of 2018, EU experienced fall in its value-wise import, while it noted a slight increase in July and cumulatively, in January-July ’18 period, value of import marginally upped by 0.06 per cent. China continued falling during the period despite noting decline in unit prices. On the other hand, Bangladesh consolidated its position in the EU market by taking advantage of low unit prices that helped the country grab more orders from European buyers. Global apparel imports by the European Union: January to July 2018 Percentage change in top 3 product categories imported by EU Percentage change in India’s top product category (T-shirts) to EU Change in Quantity 5.50 % Change in Value 0.06 % 1.42% T-SHIRTS SWEATERS TROUSERS Volume (5.29%) Volume (6.62%) Volume (7.16%) Value (-2.14%) Value (0.63%) Value (1.05%) Value falls 1.55% Volume rises FACT: Bangladesh is expected to beat China by 2022 to become the top apparel exporter to EU UVR change in apparel imported by EU (3-year comparison) Change in UVR 5.15 % Jan.-Jul. 2018 € 17.13 (Average UVR in the review period was Euro 17.13 per kg of fabric equivalent as against Euro 18.06 in the same period last year) Jan.- Jul. 2017 € 18.06 Jan.- Jul. 2016 € 17.75 Change in Knitted Segment Quantity 4.29 % Value-wise share to EU by top exporters (Jan.-Jul. 2018) Month-wise EU apparel import trend Value 0.39 % Jan-18 7.79 Feb-18 Quantity Value 7.03 % 0.49 % 6.38 Apr-18 5.85 May-18 20.40% 5.68 Jun-18 12.25% 6.21 Jul-18 8.34 0 [The information has been extracted from EU custom site and further analysed.] 28.77% 6.40 Mar-18 Change in Woven Segment 2022 Top Apparel Exporter 1 2 3 4 5 6 (Value in € billion) 48 Apparel Online India |NOVEMBER 1-15, 2018 | 7 8 9 6.87% 3.81% 10 China Vietnam India Bangladesh Turkey India