Apparel Online India Magazine August 2nd Issue 2018 | Page 53
Total global apparel imports by the US - Jan.- Jun. 2018
(Qty in mn SME & Value in US mn $)
Jan.-Jun. 2017
Jan.-Jun. 2018
% Change
Type of Apparel
Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value
5621.062 17945.343 5656.178 18561.402 0.62 3.43
Wool 50.484 929.952 50.704 987.13 0.44 6.15
MMF 6917.625 17583.567 7038.389 17752.199 1.75 0.96
191.282 776.584 190.948 749.266 -0.17 -3.52
12780.45 37235.45 12936.22 38050.00 1.22 2.19
Silk & Veg
Total apparel exports to the US by 7 major manufacturing destinations
- Jan.- Jun. 2018 (Qty in mn SME & Value in US mn $)
Jan.-Jun. 2017
Jan.-Jun. 2018
Qty Value
India 581.431 1999.603
Bangladesh 964.699 2578.303
% Change
Value Qty Value
595.271 2075.06 2.38 3.77
1005.472 2702.272 4.23 4.81
4884.983 11506.273 4844.436 11276.229 -0.83 -2.00
Pakistan 252.44 600.772 273.43 640.962 8.31 6.69
Sri Lanka 225.313 951.637 197.03 860.952 -12.55 -9.53
Vietnam 1779.47 5391.087 1838.751 5724.742 3.33 6.19
Indonesia 654.559 2309.87 619.043 2245.128 -5.43 -2.80
Item-wise quantity increase/decrease in apparel imports by the US: Jan.- Jun. 2018 (Qty in doz, legwear in dpr, babieswear in kg)
Exports to USA
Total Imports by USA
2018 % Change
2018 % Change
2018 % Change
2018 % Change
2018 % Change
2018 % Change
Babieswear 51,505,709 53,252,840 3.39 24,099,869 23,978,929 -0.50 3,935,325 4,692,133 19.23 4,970,761 5,031,481 1.22 4,594,573 4,617,320 0.50 1,749,313 1,611,977 -7.85
Garments 31,602,215 27,852,469 -11.87 16,926,669 14,749,357 -12.86 834,252 656,739 -21.28 2,550,427 2,414,937 -5.31 2,444,181 2,369,440 -3.06 2,022,073 1,816,414 -10.17
Jackets & Blazers 14,504,204 15,570,714 7.35 7,223,910 7,317,044 1.29 302,013 287,708 -4.74 846,931 947,061 11.82 2,557,686 2,912,974 13.89 756,460 758,025 0.21
Ladies Blouses 30,199,813 28,746,046 -4.81 12,191,912 11,079,458 -9.12 4,306,852 4,186,309 -2.80 1,582,799 1,291,365 -18.41 4,736,475 5,211,844 10.04 4,056,011 3,628,758 -10.53
Ladies Dresses 34,611,085 32,950,968 -4.80 15,848,982 14,146,563 -10.74 3,115,958 3,044,229 -2.30 1,017,033 965,287 -5.09 6,623,560 6,960,439 5.09 3,102,386 2,713,400 -12.54
7,549,136 7,619,858 0.94 2,888,862 3,114,265 7.80 409,908 400,804 -2.22 530,93 4 591,145 11.34 1,718,705 1,813,250 5.50 754,056 585,599 -22.34
Ladies Skirts
160,814,014 168,058,661 4.50 102,945,028 108,486,308 5.38 1,645,551 3,143,997 91.06 13,212 0 -100.00 1,536,206 2,700,798 75.81 351,357 611,657 74.08
Men's Shirts 19,385,923 19,222,542 -0.84 3,982,052 3,677,785 -7.64 1,875,479 2,038,000 8.67 4,790,166 4,848,707 1.22 2,356,444 2,338,953 -0.74 1,801,475 1,610,321 -10.61
Nightwear -33.36
19,541,068 21,090,827 7.93 11,262,754 12,299,777 9.21 1,456,741 1,362,797 -6.45 975,913 1,251,492 28.24 1,913,931 2,125,647 11.06 518,134 345,262 Suits / Ensembles 5,789,326 5,593,450 -3.38 2,868,897 2,787,338 -2.84 315,461 242,285 -23.20 54,786 24,922 -54.51 1,106,495 1,071,809 -3.13 280,550 339,610 21.05
Sweaters 3,079,745 2,973,146 -3.46 2,165,347 2,036,444 -5.95 20,458 15,582 -23.83 266,760 315,776 18.37 67,847 38,726 -42.92 29,465 17,338 -41.16
Trousers 153,792,494 156,023,780 1.45 44,065,359 43,698,514 -0.83 2,952,351 3,202,777 8.48 25,079,575 26,282,948 4.80 26,898,887 25,448,232 -5.39 10,079,371 10,278,676 1.98
T-Shirts 277,981,456 282,362,140 1.58 45,904,066 45,075,067 -1.81 13,196,604 13,564,116 2.78 10,753,972 12,190,975 13.36 39,806,339 40,846,580 2.61 15,535,662 14,700,923 -5.37
Undergarments 127,701,594 124,478,295 -2.52 24,903,678 24,345,365 -2.24 8,353,965 8,809,219 5.45 14,913,798 14,097,898 -5.47 22,185,823 22,477,628 1.32 1,314,170 1,182,457 -10.02
Item-wise value increase/decrease in apparel imports by the US: Jan.- Jun. 2018 (Value in US mn $)
Exports to USA
Total Imports by USA
2017 2018 % Change 2017 2018 % Change 2017 2018 % Change 2017 2018 % Change 2017 2018 % Change 2017 2018 Babieswear 1,059.37 1,080.42 1.99 463.15 458.07 -1.10 89.74 90.49 0.83 106.25 98.16 -7.62 106.57 98.57 -7.51 88.24 102.75 16.44
Garments 1,397.08 1,221.56 -12.56 585.96 470.46 -19.71 58.44 45.23 -22.61 58.78 44.98 -23.48 156.22 166.21 6.39 97.32 87.24 -10.36
Jackets & Blazers 2,042.42 2,257.37 10.52 844.73 883.69 4.61 37.58 43.27 15.14 115.47 118.65 2.75 400.71 463.27 15.61 106.61 115.80 8.62
Ladies Blouses 1,921.47 1,844.80 -3.99 697.10 637.24 -8.59 327.32 328.61 0.39 84.97 68.02 -19.95 243.41 261.68 7.51 257.43 239.54 -6.95
Ladies Dresses
% Change
2,719.25 2,653.38 -2.42 1,167.58 1,072.37 -8.15 278.57 277.75 -0.29 37.76 36.76 -2.64 423.00 462.54 9.35 243.35 210.68 -13.42
Ladies Skirts 453.44 460.64 1.59 157.14 1,072.37 582.45 31.63 30.18 -4.57 23.96 24.14 0.74 86.06 98.02 13.90 48.34 35.00 -27.59
Legwear 900.66 900.15 -0.06 516.88 520.35 0.67 9.32 11.29 21.14 0.08 - -100.00 7.73 11.50 48.71 2.46 2.55 3.91
1,552.22 1,545.05 -0.46 337.97 311.67 -7.78 126.79 137.00 8.05 263.39 261.24 -0.81 187.14 189.85 1.45 142.65 134.73 -5.56
Nightwear 783.59 850.62 8.55 441.95 483.16 9.32 51.45 49.07 -4.62 22.90 32.90 43.65 77.63 89.95 15.87 23.11 18.00 -22.13
Suits / Ensembles 563.52 581.22 3.14 131.02 138.74 5.90 36.18 32.58 -9.93 5.44 3.84 -29.54 73.24 77.05 5.20 37.21 37.14 -0.17
Sweaters 316.19 322.25 1.91 214.69 209.95 -2.21 1.04 1.38 33.11 11.83 15.89 34.32 4.71 3.05 -35.16 1.78 1.45 -18.68
Men's Shirts
Trousers 9,017.01 9,342.61 3.61 2,228.06 2,149.03 -3.55 193.98 217.45 12.10 1,294.69 1,404.35 8.47 1460.06 1531.73 4.91 526.05 542.19 3.07
T-Shirts 9,653.16 9,967.66 3.26 1815.38 1,834.26 1.04 509.445 527.609 3.57 268.30 309.27 15.27 1554.06 1601.49 3.05 625.47 581.20 -7.08
Undergarments 1,756.69 1,776.31 1.12 388.38 374.99 -3.45 139.80 157.79 12.87 152.64 146.94 -3.73 263.47 297.26 12.83 28.44 27.79 -2.29 | AUGUST 16-31, 2018 | Apparel Online India