Apparel Online India Magazine August 2nd Issue 2018 | Page 46

DOMESTIC UPDATE TRIGGER APPARELS IS PASSING THROUGH TRANSFORMATION TO BECOME A BIGGER PLAYER IN RETAIL Keeping pace with the fast-moving Indian retail scenario, Coimbatore-based Trigger Apparels is moving in multiple directions to grab a larger share in the local denim market. The brand is targeting business worth Rs. 300 crore (three times as compared to its current turnover) in next two years and has put strategies in place for the same. Primarily known for its jeans, the brand is now turning into a lifestyle brand and is adding new product categories in its stores. There are plans to enhance its reach into already covered as well as comparatively new markets. Talking to Apparel Online, Sailendra Thulasidharan, President of the company, which has in-house strength from fabric to finished garments, shared the overall growth strategy of the brand. W ith an increase of 20 per cent in its gross turnover in