Apparel Online India Magazine April 1st Issue 2019 | Page 48

TRADE STATISTICS Rise in unit prices hampers EU’s apparel import in January ’19 January 2019 Contrary to 2018, EU kicked off 2019 with a decline in its apparel imports in volume-terms marking a significant rise in values which is not at all a good sign for EU. Unit prices were € 17.50 in January ’18 which rose to € 18.44 in January ’19, and the biggest contributor in this rising price were Bangladesh, China and Vietnam – the top three Asian apparel manufacturers. On the other hand, Turkey, which is known for high-end garment manufacturing, surprisingly dropped unit prices in order to grab more orders coming from EU. Global apparel imports by the European Union: January 2019 Percentage change in top 3 product categories imported by EU Percentage change in India’s top product category (T-Shirts) to EU Change in Quantity 0.23 % Change in Value 5.14 % 4.31% T-SHIRTS SWEATERS TROUSERS Volume (1.49%) Volume (-4.07%) Volume (-0.30%) Value (3.78%) Value (1.04%) Value (5.16%) UVR change in apparel imported by EU (3-year comparison) Value falls 4.88% Volume falls Fact: BREXIT, which was supposed to happen in March ’19, has now been postponed to April or May. Change in UVR 5.37 % January 2019 € 18.44 (Average UVR in the review period was Euro 18.44 per kg of fabric equivalent as against Euro 17.50 in the same period last year.) January 2018 € 17.50 January 2017 € 17.25 Change in Knitted Segment Quantity 0.52 % Month-wise EU apparel import trend Value 6.01 % Change in Woven Segment Quantity Value 1.14 % 4.31 % Value-wise share to EU by top exporters (January 2019) 32.04% 8.21 19.80% 11.45% January ’19 [The information has been extracted from EU custom site and further analyzed.] (Value in € billion) 48 Apparel Online India | APRIL 1-15, 2019 | 5.74% 4.23% China Vietnam India Bangladesh Turkey India