Apparel Online India Issue 1-15 March '18 | Page 57
Scissorfobz to focus more on
Indian products Pink Village Trading to start working
directly with exporters
orking as a vendor with
Walmart and other retail
stores in the US like Hobby Lobby,
Michaels and Jo-Ann Stores
(Jo-Ann Fabrics), Scissorfobz (a
division of Vision Imports, New
York) will now focus more on Indian
products. The company, doing
overall business of nearly US $ 2
million per year, is working with
5 vendors in India on an average
basis. Increasing cost in China has
motivated the company to focus
more on India. Sandy Mehra,
VP – Sales & Marketing of the
company recently met Team
Apparel Online and informed,
“It’s my personal initiative to bring
some more business to India, so
for the next collection that I am
presenting to Walmart, I will give
them 100 per cent Indian products
like fashion accessories and some
of the craft items.” He further
added that even from India, there
Sandy Mehra (R), VP – Sales & Marketing, Scissorfobz
with Sushil Aggarwal, MD, Eves Fashion, Delhi
is inflation of prices of about 10 per
cent while in China it is 20 to 25 per
cent. “Costing from India is also
increasing but it is comparatively
better than China because if China
appreciates its RMB by even 1 per
cent, cost goes up by 5 per cent,”
he added. Currently the company
is sourcing 50 per cent from India
and rest 50 per cent is from China
and Taiwan.
ink Village Trading LLC,
Dubai, an importer and
wholesaler company from Dubai,
is planning to work directly
with Indian exporters. Sourcing
around one million pieces per year
(mostly menswear) from India and
supplying further to Middle East
market,Vinod, MD of the company
was recently in India. He shared
with Apparel Online that high
costing is the only concern with
regard to sourcing from India. And
for the same, he is trying to avoid
whatever mediocre products which
are there in the market, as of now.
“Despite high costing in India,
we are procuring from here just
because of easy communication,
good quality and smaller quantities.
Looking at the current market
situation in Dubai, 2018 is
expected to remain normal and
not much improvement is expected
in this year, while 2019 should
Vinod (L), MD, Pink Village Trading LLC, Dubai with
Rakesh Garg, MD, Worldwide Textiles, Ludhiana
Despite high costing in
India, we are procuring from
here just because of easy
communication, good quality
and smaller quantities.
go well,” he added. Currently
Vinod is working with the apparel
exporters of Ludhiana, Jaipur, Delhi
and Mumbai. | MARCH 1-15, 2018 | Apparel Online India