Irrespective of cast and community , one must appreciate the Sadh community due to its growing footprints into accessories , home furnishing and apparel export . In Delhi-NCR alone , there are nearly 500 Sadh businessmen who are in the textile business and 70 per cent of them are into scarves and accessories manufacturing . A good number of Sadhs ( more than 200 firms ) are also present in Surat and Erode . They are said to be involved mainly in textile business , wherever they exist . Most of them originally belong to Farrukhabad ( Uttar Pradesh ) and some of them still have some set-up there .
Old generations of the Sadh community were basically experts in craft , block printing and possessed a deep knowledge of the dyeing process . Fabric was the strength of the community as they knew the intricacies associated with it from a grassroot level . Some of them came to Delhi and Noida and also tried to start their own exports while working as printing job workers for exporters .
“ It was during 1995-96 when Surat started its domination in value addition and bulk business , due to which the printing business of Farrukhabad faced pressure . When some of the printing experts took a plunge and achieved success in export business , many others started moving away from Farrukhabad and slowly established themselves in other parts of the country ,” shared Desh Deepak Sadh , Selfi Wear , Delhi / Sadh Sons , Farrukhabad . He moved from Farrukhabad to Delhi in 1996 and is now offering a good variety of stoles , scarves and shawls .
Lack of proper education was a hurdle faced by many of these Sadh businessmen in the early days , but despite that , their hard work paid off . Some of them learned business from domestic sectors and settled for the same . However , majority of them are into exports or are catering to both markets . Lack of amenities and basic infrastructure in Farrukhabad pushed them to move their base to Delhi and Noida . Other specific reasons associated with the growing expansion of this community into textile business is that , the community does not like to do a 9-to-5 job and their passion for becoming entrepreneurs is very high . They live by the norms of supporting each other
Desh Deepak Sadh , Selfi Wear , Delhi / Sadh Sons , Farrukhabad
and focus on growth , rather than leg pulling and the likes . The same is applied to their involvement into export business , which is reflected in the growth witnessed over a period of time . “ Whoever joined the business later learned quickly and explored many more opportunities rather than creating competition for the existing ones ,” added Desh Deepak Sadh .
In Delhi-NCR , major chunk of this community has been into scarves manufacturing from the beginning and even today , most of them are inclined in the same direction . One of the main reasons for this is the ease involved in the process of making scarves and requirement of less resources ( compared to garment manufacturing ). Since the second generation ( mostly entered into business after 2005 ) is well involved in this business , some of them put an addition of home furnishing and apparel to their product offerings .
Saar International Exports , Noida is another company that
Sandeep Sadh , Saar International Exports , Noida
In Delhi-NCR , major chunk of this community has been into scarves manufacturing from the beginning ; and even today , most of them are inclined in the same direction . One of the main reasons for this is the ease involved in the process of making scarves and requirement of less resources ( compared to garment manufacturing ).
Ayan ( L ) and Sanya Sadh of Ayan Collection
has its roots in Farrukhabad . The company added garmenting a few years back as only having an accessories business ( scarves , bags ) did not prove as fruitful because of increased competition . Sandeep Sadh , Director of the family-run company who is in this business for more than 20 years and who started exports 10 years ago shared , “ We left Farrukhabad because it was not easy to grow in exports from there . Most of the Sadh community are based in Delhi and just 20 per cent are still in Farrukhabad . There is no significant textile business left there ,” added Sandeep .
Ayan Sadh of Ayan Collection , a younger generation member of the community representing his family business adds , “ Our community is into this business from a long time and we are carrying forward the same .” The company has its unit in Export Promotion Industrial Park ( EPIP ), Greater Noida .
40 Apparel Online India | MARCH 1-15 , 2018 | www . apparelresources . com