Apparel Online Bangladesh Magazine September Issue 2018 | Page 45

Diagram 1: Machines are arranged in U-shaped layout, so that operators can reach different machines much faster maintaining a worker is higher than cost of maintaining a machine. As the machine utilisation is very less, the machine productivity is also less compared to PBU system of working. Why stands up sewing? Stands up workstation is mandatory for teamwork sewing WRONG In a higher machine-to-operator ratio scenario, operator needs to get up from one machine, walk up to the next, sit and position and then only start work. Lot of time is wasted on unproductive work which requires maintaining huge WIP. To reduce the unproductive time, ‘stands up’ workstations were introduced where special double pedal operations (and many other high technology features) are present, so that team workers can move from one machine to another and start work instantly without wasting much time in settling down. The PBU system was also vulnerable to RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) of upper body parts which were eased in stands up sewing. The stand-up sewing also facilitates single piece movement as successor operator actually walks up to predecessor operator to fetch the piece. In high intensity production situation, the successor operator actually bumps back to predecessor operator and takes the pieces. (Thus the jargon bump-back system started) U-shaped layout is mandatory for teamwork in sewing WRONG The machine layout in teamwork can be of any shape. However in TSS, where one operator is supposed to move from one machine to another, the walking time should be bare minimum. Therefore, the machines are arranged in U- or C-shaped layout, so that operators can reach different machines much faster. In the diagram, if an operator has to reach from 1st to 5th machine, he/ she can just turn around and reach, whereas in linear layout, he/she has to walk long distances. In case machine-to-operator ratio is 1:1, operator need not move between one machine to another; so machine layout does not matter. Even when machine-to-operator ratio is more than one, but WIP is large, then frequency of movement of operator from one machine to another is less; therefore traditional linear layout is ok. Stand-up sewing system can be tiring for workers WRONG In fact this is a mind block. On manufacturing floor itself, there are many operations which are done in stand-up mode, such as ticketing, ironing, cutting and many more. The moment we think of sewing, we visualise sitting operation. In reality, double pedal control, tummy or voice activated sewing laser alignment of piece can deskill the sewing process and bring comfort level as well. Teamwork sewing helps to reduce throughput time RIGHT Throughput time is a factor of SAM value and WIP in the line. Low WIP (or zero WIP in single piece flow) directly cuts down the waiting time of partly sewn pieces, which otherwise is languishing in PBU system. Therefore, teamwork reduces the throughput time by reducing the waiting time component. On manufacturing floor itself, there are many operations which are done in stand- up mode, such as ticketing, ironing, cutting and many more. The moment we think of sewing, we visualise sitting operation. Teamwork sewing always results in higher operator utilisation RIGHT Operator utilisation in PBU system depends on balanced efficiency of the line. In a poorly balanced line, a significant time is wasted by operator waiting for the pieces from predecessor. In TSS teamwork sewing, the line is self-balanced; there is always a piece in every operator’s hand. Theoretically, operator utilisation is cent per cent. In TSS system, operator snatches pieces from the predecessor, which may create quality problems WRONG Actually due to hands-off system, sometimes operator leaves a sewing operation midway (halfway) allowing the successor operator to complete. This may sound unrealistic for those associated with PBU or make-through system. In TSS, the machines are armed with deskilling devices to the teeth. A folder/guide and needle positioning system ensures that work piece is not shifted during the changeover. TSS in sewing results in lower machine utilisation RIGHT TSS works with machine-to-operator ratio more than once. As number of machines are always more than operators, and operators move from one machine to another at any given point of time; some machines are always idle. Therefore, machine utilisation is very less in TSS. | September 2018 | Apparel Online Bangladesh 45