Apparel Online Bangladesh Magazine May'17 | Page 8

FROM THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF’s DESK… Bangladesh has over the years taken its rightful place in the global garment manufacturing business and the most encouraging part is that it has evolved with time to satisfy all buyers’ needs. A country that was once known as a hot-spot for ‘cheap’ basic products, is now admired as a compliant labour-friendly manufacturing base providing good quality products to the world’s top brands. Like every year, there were many events to recall and reassess the progress of Bangladesh factories four years after the Rana Plaza tragedy that killed 1,100 people in 2013… Though the debate continues with all stakeholders making claims and counter claims…, but for me the most important indicator of change is the proactive attitude of the manufacturers. Their willingness to invest in change, to discuss problems on public platforms and implement even the most stringent norms to remain preferred suppliers, is worthy of praise. I always say that while an incident of such magnitude like the Rana Plaza could have ‘killed’ many other manufacturing hubs, but the way the industry stood up for the cause and made sure that everyone who matters – from buyers to policy makers – take notice. How many times have we heard Marcia Bernicat, who became the US Ambassador to Bangladesh in February 2015, speak openly in support of the industry and encourage buyers to support the factories for the sake of workers and business in general. There is evidence on record that working conditions for garment workers in Bangladesh have greatly improved since the collapse; some 1,600 safety and fire control deficiencies have been identified and rectified. But what is most interesting is that the industry is not thinking of now…, they are planning for the future. The bigger factories have moved far beyond basic compliances and are investing in Green factories, labour incentives and training to ensure that the buyer is not just satisfied but genuinely happy to work with them. Not only the garment factories, even accessory manufacturers are following the benchmarks set on compliance and today the accessory segment is keeping pace with the garmenting segment, to become partners in growth! 8 Apparel Online Bangladesh | MAY 2017 | EDITORIAL TEAM EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Deepak Mohindra EDITOR Ila Saxena DEPUTY EDITOR Deepankar Shyam COPY EDITOR Veereshwar Sobti ASST. COPY EDITOR Sahil Sehgal CREATIVE TEAM Raj Kumar Chahal Peeush Jauhari Satyapal Bisht Deepak Panwar PHOTO EDITOR Himanshu Kumar OPERATION DIRECTOR Mayank Mohindra PUBLISHER & MANAGING DIRECTOR Renu Mohindra HEAD OFFICE Apparel Resources Private Limited B-32, South Extension-1, New Delhi-110 049 (India) Phone: 91-11-47390000, E-mail: [email protected] Web associate: SUBSCRIPTION RATE Yes, I wish to subscribe to Apparel Online Taka 2400.00 12 issues *This rate is valid only for subscription in Bangladesh International subscription (in Dollar) - Credit Card using Telegraphic transfer to Bank Account No. 03192320003806 (Swi