We are into the fourth month of the year already. So, how has your business been so far, this year?
Has it been on the expected lines or are you facing any challenges/difficulties that is/are posing
problem(s) in attaining the goals that you might have set for yourself in 2017? How do you see the
rest of the year playing out?
Please share with us your thoughts…
Mahashin Haque, Director,
9 Star Apparels Inds. Ltd.
Raihan Shams, Managing Director,
Delmas Apparels (Pvt.) Limited
Honestly speaking, business this year has been terrible. Our buyer has
cancelled nearly 75 per cent of the order due to the new tax regulation
in Turkey. Owing to the poor business, we have also cut down nearly
50 per cent of our production capacity.
Sunil Kumar Lehari, Chief
of Marketing & Operations,
AST Knitwear
The business in the first four months has been slow for us. Usually
January/February is the period which is considered to be part of the
peak season. However, we had less than peak business in this period.
But the period between April to June seems to be good and as such we
are expecting the second quarter to be better than the first.
As to challenges, the biggest challenge for us is the rising yarn prices.
Despite high yarn prices client is not willing to increase the FOB
and it has become rather difficult to cope with the existing scenario.
But we are keeping an eye on the yarn price while adjusting our
sales accordingly.
Inamul Haq Khan, Managing Director,
A.B.M. Fashions Ltd.
Although we are not a bustling company like the big players of the
industry, but we’ve been performing our part quite consistently. It’s
actually a bit too early to call on the business scenario of the year;
nevertheless it has been up to the mark so far.
We’ve been facing several challenges since the beginning which
distracted us several times. But at the moment those issues are no
longer a hindrance that could impact the productivity. If the present
scenario sustains, I am highly confident to achieve our targets for 2017.
10 Apparel Online Bangladesh | MAY 2017 | www.apparelresources.com
We are conducting the business pretty smoothly so far. Though
it is only the fourth month of the year, but so far things are quite
favourable for us and we are getting regular orders from the
buyers. There are always some challenges/difficulties that you
have to face, especially in this sector. But those issues are minor
and not affecting the business directly. We are expecting to
achieve the goals set for 2017 and are hopeful of even surpassing
the same.
Syed M Tanvir,
Director, Pacific Jeans
So far 2017 has been a good year and is going in a planned
way For the rest of the year, it looks positive and very much
aligned with the forecast. The main challenge in general is the
speed to market not just in terms of delivery, but also in terms of
how fast we can interpret the fashion trends into commercially
saleable styles.
With year 2021 almost round the corner
(4 years to go), what according to you are
the vital aspects/criteria that you think would
determine if the industry could reach the
target of US $ 50 billion in exports?
Please share your views with us…