Apparel Online Bangladesh Magazine Magazine May 2018 | Page 46
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Myth Buster
Myths about CAD
for Pattern Making
CAD (Computer Aided Design) plays a significant role in apparel and textile industry in
Bangladesh. From state-of-the-art luxury solutions, CAD has become a basic necessity for any
large or small-to-medium apparel manufacturers today. There are several myths about potential
benefits of apparel CAD that lead to over-expectations which requires clarifications.
Installing CAD means getting rid of
your pattern master
You do require a pattern maker to
operate CAD. Imagine you are asked
to draw a straight line without using
ruler; if you compare drawing a
straight line with pattern drafting and
ruler with CAD, then CAD is just like
a tool for pattern making. Similar to
a mechanical drafting tool, CAD is an
electronic drafting tool to help drafting
pattern accurately, quickly and with
consistent quality.
Installing CAD will always result in
enormous fabric savings
CAD has a module called marker
making. Patterns are being laid
in a given width of fabric, either
manually or automatically, to
calculate length of fabric required.
Arrangement of patterns or nesting
(as it is scientifically called) is subject
to numerous permutations and
combinations. While making marker
manually, all possible permutations
and combinations are not possible to
try due to time constraint, resulting
in possibilities of finding ‘still better
combinations’. While using automatic
mode of marker making, all
possibilities can be tried before
arriving at the best possible
combinations rationally.
The marker
making operator
due to its shear
experience will
know the best
combination while
a new operator,
even though using
CAD as a tool,
will not be able
to match same
In reality maximum CAD users use
manual options of marker making,
i.e. using human intuitions/gut feel to
find the best combinations and using
CAD only as a tool. Marker making
efficiency actually improves with
experience over the years, if you are
using same or similar product types.
Due to shear experience the marker
making operator will know the best
combination while a new operator,
even though using CAD as a tool, will
not be able to match same efficiency;
this flusters many organizations after
acquiring CAD. This is more prominent
in domestic market as the product
variety and probability of improving
marker efficiency is less. It is unwise
to imagine that any CAD operator
will beat your experienced marker
maker. CAD as a tool do help in making
marker, like you have a full 2-metre
view of fabric length in front of your
screen (to see where gap exists and
where blocking could be possible),
which otherwise is not possible.
Better marker efficiency always
means better utilization of fabric
While marker efficiency is important,
marker length is equally important.
46 Apparel Online Bangladesh | MAY 2018 | www.apparelresources