Apparel Online Bangladesh Magazine Magazine April 2018 | Page 74

WORLD WRAP The menswear market is heating up like never before The period between the Victorian era and the industrial revolution was high on men’s fashion. Who can forget the frilled shirts, fancy waist coats, tall hats and the fitted trousers that we see in period movies, like Pride and Prejudice and Titanic. With industrialisation, clothing became a commodity and men turned to more practical clothing and workwear. Of course, fashion did exist, but the percentage of men really interested dwindled. M en may universally be considered the dominating gender, but when it comes to shopping, women outshine men by a huge margin. Not only are women the biggest customer segment in apparel retail, but a majority of brands/retailers invest enormous amount of both time and money in understanding their preferences and aspirations. And though it may take years for gender equality to happen in reality…, the momentum in menswear has picked up. Among the most noteworthy trends in category retail, is the surgency of men’s fashionwear with almost all market analysts predicting that the growth in menswear will outpace that of womenswear in the next few years. Not surprisingly, fashion shows were conceived for women and it is as late as 2012 that London announced that it would dedicate an entire weekend to menswear fashion designers, adding a thrust to menswear fashion, beyond the customary shirts and pants. Slowly, brands are realising that men are also individual shoppers and not just husbands, boyfriends, sons and brothers of shoppers. They have also appreciated that men actually enjoy the experience of shopping. Several top-line brands such as Ralph Lauren, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci and Hermès have augmented their menswear stor