Apparel Online Bangladesh Magazine Magazine April 2018 | Page 26
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Training session in process at Utah
The well maintained and spacious aisle at the shopfloor is an effective measure against accidents
they follow their duty while getting
entertained at the same time.”
Easy-looking system
is not so easy to
However, implementing such strong
systems is not an output of just one
day. Indika believes it is ‘cultural
change’ that requires a lot of hard
work and intense training of the
operators. “The rigid mindset of
the workforce and the ‘attitude’
of subordinates were the major
challenges we faced before the
system came into force,” unveils
Indika stating, “Whenever we started
something, defects in the garments
occurred and that is obvious. People
used to say that due to the new
system, defects came in place.”
To overcome these challenges, Utah
started a practice of doing trials for
every system that are supposed to
be implemented on the shopfloor.
“We implement a system or practice
only after ensuring positive results in
the trials. Lean is the best example
of this ‘try and follow’ method. This
way people see the positive changes
and start accepting new executions,”
claims Indika.
Technology: An essential
contrivance for growth
Shipping majority of its output to
the European retailers such as
“Training is
‘Life Line’ for our
unit. Imparting
education to the
workforce can
deliver things in
the way we want
and this is why we
keep conducting
practical trainings
for workplace
safety and
H&M, Tesco, Target, s.Oliver,
Mango and NEXT, Carters,
Oshkosh, JCPenney, Utah believes
that the next growth driver
for the company is automation
which greatly boosts the profit
margins and helps grapple with
the rising labour wages. The
four production floors of UFL
are equipped with 1,620 UBT
machines, majority of which
are Juki, Pegasus, Kansai
and Brother.
Endorsing the need for
automation strongly, Indika
shares that pocket attachment
and pocket setting process in
jeans are entirely automated
with Euromac machines in
UFL. The machines can be
handled by the basic operators
eliminating the need for skilled
operators, thereby, saving cost
to a great extent. Apart from
the mentioned operations, UFL
uses automated solution for
shirts’ placket preparation and
button attachment. As far as
button attachment is concerned,
Utah uses fully automated Juki
machines to save time and
minimize manual intervention.
“With these machines, we
eliminate the human efforts
such as pulling buttons, feeding
them, aligning them and then
attaching them,” avers Indika.
26 Apparel Online Bangladesh | APRIL 2018 |
2018 is bright as
capacity will double
Scope of improvement is always
there. UFL is no exception. For
2018, the company has strings of
improvement plans. Utah is doubling
its sewing capacity this year in a
completely new building which is
under construction adjacent to the
current one. In this new set-up, UFL
will execute systems and activities
such as in-house designing, which
are not in practice right now. “We
are in process of hiring some
designers as we want to provide our
own designs to the buyers from next
year onwards,” tells Indika.
Another major improvement that
is in the pipeline is bringing
production, washing and finishing
on the same floor. As of now, the
company is experiencing time-loss
due to transportation of garments
as washing and finishing floors are
different. This increased movement
in material causes fall in overall floor
efficiency as well as loop holes which
exist in monitoring of the processes.
“Bringing all three processes on the
same floor will help reduce hastiness
of the line in-charge as he does not
need to move on separate floors. The
same concerned person can now
monitor both finishing and washing
processes. It’s a new layout with new
concept,” concludes Indika.