Apparel Online Bangladesh Magazine February Issue 2019 | Page 26
ENS Korea penetrates strongly in Bangladesh with ‘ECO Boiler’
angladesh apparel and textile
industry is already pressed by
tight price margins and recent hike
in wages as added strikes on the
industry. The factory owners are left
with no other option rather than
investing in the complete supply
chain apart from technology and
the sewing floor. In this rapidly
changing landscape, sustainability
is getting due attention as more
and more manufacturers are opting
for sustainable technology; while
sensing their needs, technology
suppliers are giving no second
thought to come up with their
latest innovations in the same.
Capitalising on the rising trend
of sustainability in the country,
ENS Korea, a bigwig in providing
Boiler technology, showed
up with its ‘ECO Boiler’ in the
recently concluded Garmentech
in Dhaka, Bangladesh. ENS
Korea has joined hands with H&H
to expand its footprints in the
country and Team Apparel Online,
in an exclusive tête-à-tête with
Anshuman Dash, Marketing
Director, H&H, found out some
insights about the technology
behind the offering.
AO: Prices in Bangladesh have become
a major issue due to recently hiked
wages. How do you see the growth
perspective for your products in this
rapidly changing, yet vibrant market?
Anshuman: There is no doubt that
prices have become a challenge in all
major manufacturing countries including
Bangladesh. As far as our company is
concerned, we are dealing in capital
equipment which increases quality, safety
as well as efficiency and our technology,
especially, ‘ECO Boiler’ is an eco-friendly
product. So wage hike won’t make a big
difference for our product.
AO: What’s special in ‘ECO Boiler’? And,
how is it different from other similar
products existing in the competition?
Anshuman: Our Boiler uses fabric waste
which is generated from the factory along
with other burnable wastes like wood
pallets, cardboard plastic, rubber and
PVC material to generate steam. By doing
this under sustainable and green factory
conditions, we are using the factory waste
to generate energy besides providing
a clean environment. In our system,
we use a Patented Technology which
cleans and burns all the noxious gases
generated while burning plastic, rubber
and PVC material. Along with this, we can
also use wood pallets and coal to generate
more energy, if required.
AO: When you say ‘ECO Boiler’, what are
the parameters taken into consideration
to recognise it as ‘eco-friendly’
Anshuman: When we say ECO Boiler, we
do not recommend the use of fossil fuels
like gas, diesel and wood. We use the fabric
waste only which the factory generates.
Hence the name ‘ECO Boiler’.
AO: As far as Boilers are concerned, air
pollution remains a common challenge.
How does your offering tackle this
‘ECO Boiler’ offered by ENS Korea
Anshuman: As mentioned above,
our Boiler is equipped with
patented 2nd Combustion Chamber which
takes care of air pollution and we also
have additional filtration equipment like
Bag Filters or Wet which will be selected
depending upon the percentage of
composition of plastic and rubber waste.
26 Apparel Online Bangladesh | FEBRUARY 2019 |
Anshuman Dash, Marketing Director, H&H
AO: Most of the Boilers offered by you
are meant to be installed in SMEs…
Since old factories and SMEs have
a limited factory space within their
premises, how would you convince your
potential customers to adopt and install
the same?
Anshuman: Our Boiler is not only limited
to SMEs, but can also be used in large-
scale industries. And, our design team
at Korea will be able to design a layout
according to the space available and this
will be very advantageous to the customers
as the reconstruction cost is reused.
AO: How do you ensure the safety of
factory workers near the Boiler area?
Anshuman: Our Boiler is equipped
with 20 sensors. Also, we follow strict
rules for material testing and in process
manufacturing testing by standard
agencies. So, these collective efforts,
sensors and testing parameters ensure
safety of the manpower working near
the Boiler.
AO: What is your target number of
installations in Bangladesh during 2019
for this Boiler?
Anshuman: Most of the clients in
Bangladesh have shown great enthusiasm
for our products. So we are not in the
number game because we know the
sustainability value of our product.
Nevertheless, we are ensuring to capture
the market share as much as we can.