Apparel Online Bangladesh Magazine August Issue 2018 | Page 15

the complainants claimed , adding , “ The GSP negatively conditions benefits on respect for human rights , and provides a tool for the European Commission to ensure that economic development does not leave workers behind . The Commission has urged Bangladesh to improve conditions , but has not launched a formal investigation concerning Bangladesh ’ s GSP status . In this complaint , we argue that the Commission ’ s failure to investigate the status of Bangladesh under the GSP constitutes maladministration .”
Another report filed by Penn State Center for Global Workers ’ Rights ( CGWR ) titled Binding Power : The Sourcing Squeeze , Workers ’ Rights , and Building Safety in Bangladesh Since Rana Plaza ( dated March 22 , 2018 ) maintains : Despite more than two decades of private voluntary approaches to address workers ’ rights abuses in apparel supply chains , workers in the lower production tiers continue to face poor working conditions and chronic violations of their rights . Bangladesh has been emblematic of low wages , poor working conditions , union-avoidance , and a series of mass fatality disasters in garment
factories , culminating in the collapse of Rana Plaza in 2013 … This report finds that gains have been severely limited with regard to wages , overtime hours , and work intensity partly due to the sourcing practices of the brands and retailers that sit at the top of global supply chains . A partial exception is in the area of associational rights , where , in the aftermath of Rana Plaza , rising pressure from the European Union , the United States , and international organisations resulted in minor pro-union labour reforms . These reforms , combined with the tenacity of workers and their organising efforts , resulted in an increase in the number of recognised unions . However , in recent years , union growth has once again stagnated , indicating the need for continued international pressure and for an expansion of the capacity of garment sector unions . This report finds one area where gains for workers have been dramatic : building safety . This is largely the result of an unprecedented binding agreement – the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh .
An investigation by the WRC has found that in late March through mid-April 2018 , the management of Shahi Exports was engaged in a campaign of vicious repression and retaliation against workers ’ exercise of fundamental labour rights , claimed the Worker Rights Consortium Assessment Shahi Exports Pvt . Ltd . ( Bangalore , India ) Findings And Recommendations .
Brands not spared !
Latest report on workplace safety slams GAP , H & M , Walmart for gender-based violence in Asian factories
The Asia Floor Wage Alliance ( AFWA ) has come up with three separate reports which claim that the women workers who work at the supplier units of leading fashion retail players like H & M , GAP Inc . and Walmart are at risk of assault , sexual abuse , and other harassment every day . Notably , AFWA is a global coalition of trade unions , workers and human rights that is actively working to enhance the lives of garment factory workers in the Asian countries .
The reports by the association claim to have evidence based on the investigation that took place between January and May this year in nine production hubs across India , Bangladesh , Sri Lanka , Indonesia and Cambodia that proves gender-based violence taking place in H & M , Walmart and GAP Inc . apparel supplying factories . The AFWA has presented the results of its investigation
www . apparelresources . com | August 2018 | Apparel Online Bangladesh 15