Apparel March 2020 Apparel March 2020 issue | Page 76

Remembering Wendell A prolific designer with several social causes, Wendell Rodricks will always be remembered as a superman who dared to cross boundaries... NEETA LULLA @NEETA_ LULLA, FASHION DESIGNER Saddened to hear about the sad demise of @Wendellrodricks you were a dear friend and a designer Par Excellence .You will be missed. RIP 74 I APPAREL I SONA @SONAMOHAPATRA, INDIAN SINGER AND LYRICIST Full of love. Full of life. All heart. All soul. A connoisseur. A creator. A pioneer. A change-maker. I feel lucky having known you. @Wendellrodricks You will remain in my heart forever. Refuse to see you any other way than that afternoon we spent in your glorious home in Goa. March 2020 POOJA BEDI @POOJABEDITWEETS, ACTRESS To my dearest @Wendellrodricks @jeromegoa It's way too soon to say goodbye.... cheers to an adorable, talented, positive& loving human being who truly lived life on his own terms!!! I will MISS U #RIPWendell WALUSCHA DE SOUSA @ IAMWALUSCHA, MODEL I owe everything I am today to u. U discovered me at the age of 16 in my uniform & u never let go of my hand after that. U will forever be remembered my friend & mentor. We have beautiful memories together & they will live on. I pray that ur soul rests in peace. @ Wendellrodricks #rip