Apparel March 2020 Apparel March 2020 issue | Page 54
Is Myanmar Poised to Threaten
the Indian Apparel Trade?
One of the oldest Asian nations; Myanmar, post its military regime, is gradually growing into an
attractive labour destination and a global production supply chain for low-end garment, textile
and footwear. Samir Alam compares India's current industry status with Myanmar...
The Republic of the Union of Myanmar, or simply
Myanmar, is one of the oldest Asian nations.
With a rich and diverse cultural history, its earliest
settlements date as far back as 750,000 years.
This was the time when a vibrant civilisation arose
to become the largest empire in the history of
Southeast Asia under the Toungoo Dynasty in the
late 16th century. However, in the modern era the
nation has had a turbulent history that has limited
its growth compared to other nations in Asia. In
recent years, Myanmar has made large strides
March 2020
towards achieving economic independence.
Here's taking a closer look at how the nation has
achieved sizable competitiveness in its apparel
sector and overcome its history to become a
serious threat to the Indian apparel market.
Over hundreds of years, the nation of Myanmar
remained under extreme disarray, being occupied
by a diverse variety of invaders, including the
Shah states and the Mongols. It eventually fell