APG Specialty Publications 00_IRON_MINING_ASSN_20_BOOK | Page 46

2019-2020 CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS FENA ADVERTISING INC. PROMOTIONAL ADVERTISING PRODUCTS 1711 E 13th St Hibbing, MN 55746 218-262-2288 Fax: 218-262-3101 www.fenaadvertising.com Lori Laliberte [email protected] FIVES NORTH AMERICAN COMBUSTION COMBUSTION SYSTEMS; PROCESS CONTROLS; ENGINEEING 4455 E. 71st Street Cleveland, OH 44105 (216) 271 -6000 Fax: 216-641-7852 www.fivesgroup.com Tom Robertson [email protected] FOTH INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIRONMENT LLC MINING ENGINEERING; ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES & RECLAMATION; REGULATORY STRATEGY & COMPLIANCE 227 W. 1st St. Ste 920 Duluth, MN 55802 920-497-2500 Fax: 920-497-8516 www.foth.com Larry Kramka [email protected] FRANDSEN BANK AND TRUST FINANCIAL SERVICES 501 Chestnut Street Virginia, MN 55792 218-741-1310 Fax: 218-741-2042 www.qcfb.com Greg Sandau [email protected] 46 | Iron Mining Association of Minnesota GENERAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT SALES & RENTAL 4600 Valley Industrial Blvd S Shakopee, MN 55379 952-224-1500 Fax: 952-224-1570 www.genequip.com Kris Akervik [email protected] GENERAL WASTE WASTE RECYCLING/DISPOSAL 35005 Co Rd 571 Keewatin, MN 55753 218-778-6600 Fax: 218-778-6700 www.generalwastemn.com Jon Panheiter jonpenheiter.com GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS ENGINEERING CONSULTING 100 S Washington Ave Suite 1590 Minneapolis, MN 55401 612-253-8210 www.geosyntec.com Todd DeJournett [email protected] GIANT VOICES MARKETING SERVICES 212 W Superior Street Duluth, MN 55802 218-722-7884 www.giantvoices.com Lisa Bodine [email protected] GLOBAL MINERALS ENGINEERING LLC MINING; GEOLOGY & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS 1035 7th Ave. E Hibbing, MN 55746 218-262-0799 Fax: 206-203-0098 www.globalmineralseng.com David Meineke [email protected]