APG Specialty Publications 00_IRON_MINING_ASSN_20_BOOK | Page 21
By the numbers (to date), in the past
year, the IMA has:
• Posted 113 times on the Minnesota
Iron Facebook page, 104 times on the
Minnesota Iron Twitter page, and 33
times on the imagineLiFewithoutiron
Instagram page – the most popular of
all these posts reached 1,601 people.
• Posted 133 times on the IMA Facebook
page, 115 times on the IMA Twitter
page, and 117 times on the IMA
LinkedIn page – the most popular of all
these posts reached 7,841 people.
• Sent 20 press releases on association
and industry news.
• Helped give nearly 15 tours of mines to
help people better understand the size
and scope of the industry.
• Presented in front of audiences
ranging in size from 10-2,000 people at
international, national, state, and local
events 30 times, including media events
with similar scope.
This work included opening the committee
meeting to the entire IMA membership for
a question and answer session with Richard
Boeckermann, supervisor of the Hibbing
MSHA office. Members found the meeting
helpful, and IMA will give updates to any
pertinent rule changes as needed.
Looking forward to 2019, IMA hopes to build
a consistent dialogue with this important
regulator and our regulated parties.
In 2017, Matt Thibodeau (Thibodeau,
Feriancek & Johnson) volunteered as IMA
Workforce & Education Committee Chair.
Under his new direction, the committee took
time to regroup and refocus its efforts. The
committee decided to focus its efforts to
bring other workforce development groups
to the table to find the best ways to bolster
overall efforts.
That goal began to come to fruition in fall of
2018 when presentations were made about
a new Applied Learning Institute. Now in
the beginning development stages of the
Applied Learning Institute, outreach from
developers and project managers has begun.
The Applied Learning Institute brings
industrial tech and shop classes back to
high schools in the region, and Hibbing
Community College & Mesabi Range
Community College have the most mining-
related programs of all NHED schools. ALI
specifically will use more partnership with
local businesses to get students excited
about local opportunities. We ask that you
consider getting involved in this important
project for the workforce.
Virginia Superintendent, Dr. Noel Schmidt,
and Eveleth-Gilbert Superintendent, Jeff
Carey, were successful in securing the votes
needed to create the Virginia and Eveleth-
Gilbert partnership to form a high school
academy program for Northeast Minnesota.
2019-2020 Membership Directory | 21