APG Specialty Publications 00_APPLE_VALLEY_MD_20_BOOK | страница 46

That you took the time to read this tells us why you are successful. You have a passion for what you do, and you look for every opportunity to become the best. We do the same. Joining Apple Valley Chamber of Commerce BEGINS WITH RELATIONSHIPS • Makes you a business leader immediately because you are involved and care • Gives you a competitive advantage over your competition • Brings visibility to your business and over 1,000 peers get to know you • Together with the other businesses, the “VOICE OF BUSINESS” is heard LOUDLY “MEMBERSHIP IS A BENEFIT, . ...INVOLVEMENT IS A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE” “If the Chamber closed its doors, ...You would start a new Chamber within a year as at every level, regulation, rising taxation, and fees would occur” “WITHOUT A CHAMBER, YOUR BUSINESS WOULD BE AN ISLAND”: Imagine businesses not talking or getting together weekly and monthly. There would be no partnerships, no collective voice and no one to call to solve your issues be it an issue just affecting you or everyone. And there would be no awards for excellence at the least.” You may prefer one airline due to scheduling, price, personal service, styles, miles or smiles. Yet their #1 Purpose and Mission is to get you safely to your destination. A Chamber’s weekly events, promotions, mar, city-wide events, marketing, visibility and friendships are nice but our #1 Purpose & Mission is to keep all levels of government accountable and getting you to your destination, profit. Hardly a week passes where we aren’t solving business issues for one business quietly or for all businesses very publicly. 46 / APP L E VA L L E Y C H A MBER of COM M ERCE // (952) 432- 8 4 2 2