APE September 2022 | Page 28



By Jeff Winke

Long-lasting , durable paved surfaces result from quality compaction

C ompaction is the exertion of force on something so that it becomes more dense . With asphalt paved road construction , compaction is considered one of the most important processes . It is necessary in order to attain high quality and uniformity of pavement materials , which in turn better ensures the long-lasting performance of the paved surface .

Today , “ intelligent compaction ” ( IC ) has become a given in discusions of roadway paving . It has become the norm -- compaction is pretty much considered intelligent compaction .
IC refers to the compaction of road materials , such as soils , aggregate bases , or asphalt pavement materials , using modern vibratory rollers equipped with an integrated measurement system , an onboard computer reporting system , Global Positioning System ( GPS ) based mapping , and optional feedback control . IC rollers facilitate real-time compaction monitoring and timely adjustments to the compaction process by integrating measurement , documentation , and control systems . IC rollers also maintain a continuous record of color-coded plots , allowing the user to view plots of the precise location of the roller , the number of roller passes , and material stiffness measurements .
Back in 2011 the FHA reported on a major three-year research project which was designed to verify that IC , which at the time had been considered an “ emerging technology ,” was mature enough to be implemented in the real world . The intent of the project was to create the blueprint in the FHWA IC strategic plan . This study was under the Transportation Pooled Fund project , which included 12 participating state department of transportation : Georgia , Indiana , Kansas ,
Maryland , Minnesota , Mississippi , New York , North Dakota , Pennsylvania , Texas , Virginia , Wisconsin .
The report ’ s Executive Summary states that the project “ demonstrated triedand-true Intelligent Compaction ( IC ) technologies through sixteen ( 16 ) field projects and open house activities , numerous meetings and training for State personnel and local earthwork / paving contractors , and assistance on the development of State IC specifications .”
The IC project ’ s key conclusions :
• IC mapping of existing support layers is effective in identifying weak support areas for corrective actions prior to the compaction of the upper layers .
• With hot-mix asphalt ( HMA ) paving , IC tracking compaction roller passes and HMA surface temperatures can provide www . callape . com [ 28 ] 1.800.210.5923