APE November 2022 | Page 32


Proper screed setup is essential to making sure your end result is perfect .

On the other hand , when you slow down , the shear factor increases , causing your depth to increase . As you can imagine , when the paver operator is constantly varying his speed , the result is a surface that is unacceptable , with a rough ride and the tendency to hold water .
Head of Material : When I am speaking of head of material , I am talking about the amount of material that is allowed to gather in front of the screed . What is the right amount ? Well , it varies , but not by much . The contractors that I work with most typically say around 2 / 3 of the way up the front of the screed produces an acceptable finished product . If you “ starve ” your screed , the screed will tend to dive and the opposite is certainly true as well . This is the most challenging when you are operating a tilt hopper design paver , where you are constantly running out of material . The trick is with this type of paver is to stop the process before the screed starts running out of material . Today ’ s pavers are sometimes
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