APE May 2024 | Page 38


From Pavement to Perfection :

Navigating the Art of Parking Lot Striping


So you ’ ve landed yourself a new parking lot to stripe . Congratulations ! You ’ re about to make the world a little more organized one parking spot at a time but before you dive headfirst into this striping adventure , let ’ s go over some key steps to ensure your project goes smoothly and safely , from start to finish . First things first , you want to make sure you are in a safe working environment . This includes inspecting your equipment , trailer , and job site . Address any hazards before you start . Next , have all the necessary supplies on hand . This includes safety cones , high-quality paint , spray tips , stencils , marking chalk or crayon , measuring tape and chalk-line , or better yet , a striper line-driver combo with Auto Layout and Guidance Laser capabilities . Layout time ! To start , it ’ s vital to know the surface that you ’ re striping on . The material is only as good as the foundation that it is getting applied to . If it ’ s concrete , I would recommend a pressure wash . Asphalt will need a good sweep and blow if it ’ s dirty . ALWAYS let sealcoat fully cure before paint application . Don ’ t skip this step !

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