APE May 2023 | Page 30

the person that says , “ Yeah , but charging batteries for a trimmer is a pain ”, isn ’ t mixing gas and oil for fuel a pain ? Isn ’ t carrying gas cans around a pain ? Isn ’ t spilled 2-cycle oil a pain ? This article is less about the product I used as an example and more about our mindset as an industry going forward , we can nitpick anything we want to , about anything we want to , if that ’ s the way we are going to look at things . Heck , you can boycott them if that ’ s your prerogative . Think about what that does though . It will slow progression , make it harder for companies to convince their executives to research and develop ideas , make it harder for technology to advance and possibly leave us behind other competitors , industries , countries , in their adaptation of “ green ” tech … which may give them an advantage . Or hear me out on this … we as a whole , do like our service truck at Wis-Coat , and
“ We get used to it , we get excited about the pros that come with it , and the possibility of what the future holds by bringing all forms technology into our industry .”
for a time , keep our gas cans and batteries on the same rig for a while and try this out . We get used to it , we get excited about the pros that come with it , and the possibility of what the future holds by bringing all forms technology into our industry . From a small sealcoating company like mine , all the way up to the mining and aggregate companies that we depend on . Time passes and things change , and over that amount of time we as a civilization forget why we took stances against things that we eventually realized were better as it became the consensus . I mean , the standalone GPS guys may still be fighting for their Garmins , but I promise I haven ’ t had anybody arguing for me to let them use a Rand McNally Road Atlas to find their way to a destination … because ultimately , adapting to the better way to do things gets us to where we want to go faster , and easier . As always , if you have any insight or criticisms about this article or anything in it ( which I have a feeling there will be ), please feel free to email me at marvin @ blacktopbanter . com or of course , reach out to us at Blacktop Banter on any form of social media .
Marvin Joles III , Owner of Wis-Coat Asphalt Maintenance and host of Blacktop Banter podcast . You can listen to and watch Blacktop Banter podcasts by visiting https :// blacktopbanter . com
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