APE May 2023 | Page 15

Sealcoat additives have been around since sealcoating was devised back in the 1960s . “ Additives offer so many benefits , in so many ways , that not offering the option to use in a sealcoating bid may be a disservice in the sense that the property owner would be deprived of a better return on their pavement investment dollars ,” Dubey said . “ Sealcoating systems should be presented to property owners with full delineation of cost and benefits , namely longevity , protection and preservation of asphalt , safety , and value , which can be easily established with the use of additives .” McLeod agreed : “ Not informing contractors what additives can do and what they are for , is a major disservice because they are available ! Education is key ! “ We can go on and on with all the additive application benefits for professional and new startup companies . It gives the contractor peace of mind knowing they applied a spec . material fortified with a post added additive on their customer ’ s parking lot that will allow the contractor to get on
“ Additives can give the sealer the deep black color desired in a freshly sealed pavement .”

Half the Price , Twice the Value .


The heavy duty dry / cure overnight work additive
Made for latex additive users and dries / cures virtually all coatings
The all-in-one additive

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[ 15 ] May 2023