Again, it’s tough to say what the best ap-
plications are for small pavers, because
these machines are designed to fit near-
ly every application imaginable with as-
Technology is having an impact, as
the enhancements found in high-
way-class pavers have migrated down
to mid-sized OEMs that have improved
electrical and hydraulic systems and are
adopting screed automation, which al-
low contractors to use sonic or lasers to
read and adjust screed depth when lay-
ing material.
While the larger highway-class plat-
forms have incorporated more and more
technology, the small paver market has
remained largely analog. On board di-
agnostics and telematics are just start-
ing to come into the small paver mar-
ket. While onboard technology is just
starting to emerge, add-on technologies
such as automation machine controls
are playing a larger role. Technology
adoption is being driven by both tighter
project specifications and by a tight la-
“Key considerations when purchasing
a new machine include
return on investment
and operator focus”
bor market.
When selecting the right small com-
mercial-class paver, there are a number
of decisions to be made.
“For contractors, there are a number
of key considerations when purchasing
a new machine – three of which include
versatility, return on investment and
operator focus,” Colwell said. “A pav-
er is a significant investment for any
company, and purchasing a machine
that is not only the right size for the
company today, but also for tomorrow,
can play a large role in the company’s
future growth. A contractor also expects
their new machine to provide profit
to the company, achieved by reducing
downtime and replacement component
Rizzo added that key questions he rec-
ommends a contractor needs to consid-
er when selecting a small paver should
• Will the machine close up to fit into a
48-inch trench?
• Does the machine have tracks so it can
climb in and out of trench and patch-
work area?
• Does the cost of the machine allow for
return on investment?
• Is the machine easy to operate? Sim-
plicity is always a better choice.
Clearly, small asphalt paving machines
can meet the varied needs of contractors
today. When taking the long view of
where small commercial pavers fit, it is
clear they occupy a solid, valuable niche
in the asphalt-paving market.
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