APE March 2022 | Page 48

“ What are you planning on doing with this acquisition ,” Sitek said . “ You don ’ t have the luxury of acquiring a new product because 1 ) it ’ s new 2 ) you might need it . Time is a valuable asset and you shouldn ’ t be wasting it speculating on if it is or is not going to improve your operation . Will it make you more productive or efficient ? Will it expand the scope of your operation ? Will it improve employee or jobsite safety ? In the end , the important question is will it make you more profitable .”
Buying asphalt paving equipment should always be considered an investment . This means that the savings made on a purchase should be judged over the long term . There is no advantage in purchasing cheap--most likely poor-quality--products that are useful for a handful of jobs , but will begin to break down in just a few years .
The process of paving asphalt is demanding . Asphalt paving machines must be built to high specifications to withstand the heat and weight of mixer loads . Plus , they also need to use high-grade motor components , mechanical components , and a chassis . All of these factors need to be considered to ensure the machines , equipment , and components will keep delivering year after year .
“ There are a number of reasons for considering the acquisition of a new product whether it ’ s a machine , truck / vehicle , hand-held tool or stationary piece of equipment ,” Sitek said . “ Factors include :
• Changing business needs -- has the scope of your business changed such that you need different equipment , machines , people ?
• Increase efficiencies and productivity -- is the equipment you are current using out of date , lacking efficiencies or productivity ( too small , too slow ).
• Improvements to safety and security -- these should always be given the highest priority and maintained at highest possible level .
• Take advantage of tax incentives -- if you have the opportunity for tax incentives and can apply them to any of the above , do the math and determine the value .
• And finally , once you have decided to add to your fleet or inventory , you need to explore your options--do you buy or do you lease . Both have advantages depending on your operation , location , length of job and your financial stature . Whenever you add to your fleet or inventory your operation should improve , or the addition is not merited .”
There are plenty of choices when it comes to new machines , equipment , and processes . The asphalt paving contractor needs to compare and contrast the options before investing in the solutions that will work best for the company and its operation .
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