APE July 2024 | Page 26



Your Asphalt Paving Business


Just a few weeks ago something amazing happened in our area . My wife received a call from her daughter around 11 p . m ., saying , “ Mom , go outside and look up .” So , we both went outside on this semi-clear night with lots of stars in the sky , and what did we see but the amazing and beautiful Northern Lights . Every time I look at the pictures we took that night , it still makes me stop and take in how this happens , and the good memories of that night . This is also the way we could be promoting our asphalt businesses for the same results . Make something about you and your company that will be remembered in the minds of your current and future customers . Traveling around the U . S . and Canada and visiting asphalt paving companies over

“ Make something about you and your company that will be remembered in the minds of your current and future customers .” the years , I ’ ve seen some great examples of what you could do if you ’ re not already doing it . Standing out can be accomplished in so many ways . It ’ s what your customers remember you for or why they keep calling you back to do more work for them . It ’ s also what ’ s going to make your future customers call you and choose you over your competitors down the street . Let ’ s start with branding . This can be done with your company name , your logo and your equipment . Design a logo that ’ s different , unique and one that stands out . Do you have a company color and use it for everything , on all your trucks , equipment and work shirts ? Is your logo on every truck you own and piece of equipment you have ? What about the equipment you rent from time to time — do you have magnetic logos
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