APE July 2022 | Page 24

6 ways

By to Turn Your Website into a Hiring Machine

J ob searchers use around 7.6 job sites to find their next position . Short of paying for it you don ’ t have a ton of control over how online job boards display your listings . But here ’ s the good news , the next step in the journey of a potential hire is to search for your company to learn more about who you are before applying . The first thing they typically find is your website . And that is something you DO have control over .

What story does your website tell about your company ?
Here ’ s the good news . The good news is people searching for a career in construction in your area are likely using many of the same search terms to find your website as your potential customers . If your website displays well on Google , they will get to your site . But will it convince them to apply for the job ?
Here ’ s the bad news . Construction websites are generally built to sell services , not woo potential hires . Job seekers are trying to imagine what it would be like to work for your company and are concerned with how you take care of your employees .
Share the story job seekers are looking for .
1 . Put your people front and center in your imagery . Only 53 % of construction sites use people-focused imagery and have people in their pictures . Stand out by using photos of people and projects . You want to have photos of people working , and make sure they are sporting the proper safety attire . Show pictures of people working from afar , people taking a break and smiling , just
Monica Pitts people being people . Don ’ t use stock photos . You don ’ t want to be that website . You want real pictures of your people doing their jobs .
2 . Provide visitors a clear route to your hiring section .
20 % of construction websites don ’ t have a careers link anywhere in their navigation , and 19 % of construction websites nest the link in a drop-down underneath About or in the site footer . It doesn ’ t make any sense . Companies tend to get creative about how they display the link to their careers section . Don ’ t do that . Put it on the top of your site next to your projects and your contact button . If your main goal is hiring people , the careers link should be on your main navigation loud and proud right up where people can find it . Don ’ t stinking hide it . Pop it like it ’ s hot ! If you want to make your careers link pop , then make it a different color than the other buttons on your page . Or , put a box around it and make it look like a button , which is a great trick to make something stand out on your navigation .
3 . Dedicate a page for each type of person you hire . 32.7 % of construction websites don ’ t have a careers section at all , and 34.6 % have a one page careers section . People argue with me about this one . They ’ re like , “ No , Monica , we just want to have one page .” Think about it , though . Do your operators and management have the exact same qualifications ? Do they have the exact same concerns ? They usually don ’ t . They ’ re very different types of humans motivated by different things . You should speak to them in a way they will listen to you and allow them to evaluate your company through their lens .
4 . Showcase your flexibility
45 % of millennials will choose workplace flexibility over higher pay . There are a lot of millennials in the job market and flexibility is important to them . Even though your business may not be suited to let people work from a coffee shop that doesn ’ t mean you don ’ t offer flexibility . Maybe you allow them to leave early when their kids have school programs . Maybe you aren ’ t building all year round , so they will have time off from their job during certain times of the year . Think about how you are offering and delivering flexibility and share that on your site .
5 . Highlight community involvement 42 % of construction websites showcase company culture in their career sections , but that doesn ’ t necessarily mean they ’ re talking about their community involvement , some just share their core values . Take it a step further and tell people about volunteering , fundraising , workforce initiatives , safety training and sustainability practices . You do them , don ’ t sweep them under the rug . These are your opportunities to inform the public and potential hires about your corporate social responsibility .
6 . Make it easy to apply online . It ’ s a two-way street . It needs to be easy for your applicants , and it needs to be easy for HR . Your HR department is super important , even if it ’ s just one person . To keep everybody happy , you need something more sophisticated than a downloadable or fillable PDF . www . callape . com [ 24 ] 1.800.210.5923