which can result in cracks or potholes . Unfortunately , you can ’ t stop the ground from shifting . You can , however , protect your asphalt pavement by keeping it in good condition . Pavement in good condition will hold up to the elements and other crack-causing factors much better than pavement that hasn ’ t had proper maintenance .”
Understanding why pavement cracks occur is helpful for achieving proper perspective .
“ Cracks typically start to form at the center joint and gradually work their way out to the rest of the asphalt ,” stated Michael Blake , director of marketing , KM International , North Branch , Michigan . When water penetrates into the cracks it expands and contracts due to the freeze-thaw cycle , which will cause the rest of the pavement to start to crack . This process is also compounded if / when you have base failure or shifting of the base .”
Preventative maintenance is always key for avoiding pavement cracking .
“ Unfortunately , there is no way to completely eliminate cracks ,” Blake said . “ But most contractors will recommend sealcoating every 2-3 years and filling any cracks in the pavement immediately after they occur . The sooner you can seal a crack the better chance you are going to be able to prolong the overall life cycle of your pavement .”
Crack sealant is considered extremely effective if applied properly . Prior to filling , the crack needs to be completely cleaned out and dry before applying a sealant .
“ Crack sealant is very effective , stated Girish C . Dubey , President , STAR , Inc ., Norwalk , Connecticut . “ There are research reports from many state DOTs , FHWA , Army Corp of Engineers , colleges , National Center for Asphalt Technology about the effectiveness of crack sealing . All the research has concluded that crack sealing adds years to the life cycle of the pavement . The reports that compare the effectiveness of crack sealing to other treatments show that crack sealing is the most cost-effective process you can apply to pavements and should be used in combination with any other maintenance treatment to enhance the performance results for other treatments such as sealcoating , micro surfacing , chip seals and hot mix overlays .”
Cracks in asphalt pavement will occur in time . Timely treatment is the solution for adding life to paved surfaces .
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