“ Once a customer sees the IR repair process in action , they are sold ! And no one is going to say ‘ no ’ if you ask them if you can fix a pot hole for free !”
Better results can be seen in the finished quality . “ The thermal bonding of the asphalt repair with the surrounding pavement makes the repair an integral piece of the pavement ,” Martin said . “ There is no cold seam left for water to re-enter and cause joint failure . Existing asphalt is reused , leaving little or no wasted material . This means less handling and disposal costs .” Martin continued , “ Repairs are fast and simple . Two workers and twenty minutes are all that are needed for a typical repair . The savings realized in materials , manpower and machinery make infrared repairs less expensive than conventional repairs .”
The process of infrared asphalt repair is only successful when certain conditions are met . Paving professionals avoid IRR applications when the following conditions are present :
• Areas of standing or pooling water
• Excessive dirt , mud , or debris
• Existing asphalt is too thin ( 2 ” or less )
• Failing base or sub-base
• Completely failed surface
• Coal tar sealed surfaces
• Traffic loads exceeding the design thickness
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