APE December 2022 | Page 36

Don ’ t forget the endless hours that your crew has put in for you , including some nights and weekends for sure . An enduring problem is making
Speaking of your crew , don ’ t forget the endless hours that they put in for you , including some nights and weekends for sure . An enduring problem is making sure that they don ’ t stray during the winter . Bonuses and incentives for your top performers are key in making sure that they are on the job when you need them . Today ’ s job market is highly competitive and your team needs to stay intact to ensure that you have one less issue when you return . The other portion of the industry is business as usual , sort of . In the southeast US , with some exceptions , it could be balmy today and freezing the next . This causes a whole different set of challenges . Always expect that the material will cool off quicker . This means making sure that your haul trucks travel the shortest distance possible and always tarp your load . Keep your paver moving , avoiding starts and stops keeps the crust from forming at the screed and in the hopper . Speaking of the hopper , never run it empty . The cooling of the steel in the winter will certainly cool your material faster than desired , showing up as imperfections in the mat . Remind your roller operator that density in the cooler weather is an added challenge . Allowing the finished mat to cool prematurely will cause failures down the road that will cause warranty repairs . Winter paving is typically quite lucrative because of the urgency of the jobs , so make sure to earn your payday . Equipment issues seem to pop up in the winter time as well . Make sure that all your machines are ready for those days when working at below freezing temps cannot be avoided . We hope everyone had a great year . During this season of giving , make sure that you don ’ t forget to give a little back , especially right in your hometown . I love seeing the reports of paving companies participating in the local parade and other festivities , putting smiles on the faces of the community . Drop us a line and let us know what your company does this holiday season .
Brian Hall , LeeBoy Territory Manager . He can be reached via email at Brian . Hall @ Leeboy . com . www . callape . com [ 36 ] 1.800.210.5923