APE December 2022 | Page 25


Pushing the SEALCOAT SEASON Envelope

How late in autumn and early in spring can one go ? By Jeff Winke

Pushing it … pushing the envelope . The phrase is commonly understood , but the origins have nothing to do with a paper container for letters . It comes from science geeks referring to the mathematical envelope or intersection of consecutive curves being pushed beyond their range .

Tom Wolfe ’ s book about the space program , The Right Stuff , made “ pushing the outside of the envelope ” a popular notion when referring to the challenges and success of flight testing . That envelope is the description of the upper and lower limits of the various factors that it is safe to fly at , that is , speed , engine power , maneuverability , wind speed , altitude , etc . By “ pushing the envelope ,” that is , testing those limits , test pilots were able to determine just how far it was safe to go .
For asphalt paving contractors the right stuff challenge is pushing the production envelope of the seasons . How late in the autumn can work be completed , and how soon in the spring can work start up . This is particularly true when working with pavement sealcoating and knowing which additives can help push the production envelope .
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December 2022