APE April 2024 | Page 25

sweeper helps the operator understand proper speeds , turning , how the load affects slowing down , what to do in different weather , how to work around obstacles and many more specifics that they ’ ll need to understand to operate the sweeper effectively .”
Much of the innovations incorporated in new commercial sweepers are
designed to make the machine operator more comfortable and productive . The machine cabs are as comfortable as luxury sedans or pick-ups . A variety of intuitive , operator-friendly features help the operator do the job efficiently and productively . The future for commercial sweeper machine operators definitely looks brighter , safer , and more productive .
Sweeper Co ., Elgin , Illinois . “ For example , some of our sweepers do not require a Commercial Driver ’ s License ( CDL ). That makes a big difference in the hiring pool between CDL and non-CDL . Determining licensing is a crucial first step in the hiring process for operators .” Machine manufacturers typically offer training on their sweeping equipment to help the customer company and its machine operators become comfortable with their new equipment “ Having access to a training program can be tremendously beneficial , so even if an operator isn ’ t experienced on that particular sweeper , they can get up-tospeed quickly ,” Meshenky said . “ Manufacturers may offer classes at their factory location in addition to the training that dealers might offer at their locations or at a customer ’ s work site . Proper training also helps keep the operators safe and efficient . Being trained on a particular
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[ 25 ] April 2024