KM president explains how striving to
improve has kept his company competitive
s the asphalt maintenance indus-
try continues its growth trend, it
is now more important than ever
for contractors to diversify the
services they offer customers. As one of
the industry’s leading manufacturers, no
one understands the need for diversifi-
cation better than KM International.
With more than 30 years of experience
as a manufacturer, KM International
strives to constantly develop equipment
that will have real-world applications
and increase the users’ job efficiencies.
KM International’s product line consists
of crack maintenance equipment, infra-
red recyclers, asphalt hotbox reclaimers,
asphalt recyclers, and KM’s newest line
of mastic equipment.
In order to stay on top of the industry,
KM’s research and development depart-
ment stays vigilant with industry trends
and innovations, says KM International
president Cliff Cameron, and tries to
integrate those changes into its equip-
ment in order to increase the function-
ality and equipment efficiencies.
“One of our main goals is to produce
equipment that is applicable to a wide
range of asphalt companies,” says Cam-
eron. “We understand that the needs for
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every company are different. To remain
a leading manufacturer, we need to have
equipment to help companies meet
those needs and move into the next level
of their business.”
As the competitiveness of the market
grows, it’s becoming more difficult for
contractors to grow their businesses
while relying solely on one service. Just
look at some of the industry’s top con-
tractors -- they essentially offer a one-
stop shop; sealcoating, maintenance,
line striping, crack repair, and so on. In
today’s digital world, potential clients
are well-informed and want to work