Marketing to Hire
Recruiting online isn’t so different from online dating.
hen you think about it, hiring in
general really isn’t that different
from dating. You screen your can-
didates before you meet them and
you probably have several encounters with
an individual before you make a commit-
When dating, or hiring, most of us tend to
err on the side of caution (and if we don’t we
probably should). Finding a good employ-
ee is important. Most days I spend more
time with my employees than I do with my
spouse. How do I find good people?
1. Meet them where they are.
Meeting your bride at the local bar is
going by the way of eight track tapes.
Dating is moving online. 19% of brides
found their spouse online in 2017 ac-
cording to That’s up
14% from 2015. Hiring is moving
online even faster. 79% of job seekers
applied for a job online, or at least uti-
lized the internet as part of their search,
according to
2. Gear up for cyber stalking.
You’ll cyber stalk your candidates,
don’t act like you won’t. While you’re
Googling their name to make sure it
doesn’t bring up some crazy news sto-
ry (that’s a red flag, by the way) they’re
stalking you too. You need to be ready,
game face on, boots polished.
3. Shout your message loud and clear.
If all an applicant ever sees from your
company is a job listing, will it make
September 2019