Seals wide cracks; joints, potholes and spalling.
Offset material chute makes working along curbs and centerlines effortless.
Level utility access covers and bridge decks.
On-Demand production outpaces batch
factory packaged mastic. Lance Hart-
mann, Cimline’s VP of Product Devel-
opment stated “Customers don’t think
of the C1 as a budget cutting machine.
In harsh cold climate states there are
always more potholes than budgets al-
low. Customers who have bought the
C1 recognized that when they cut the
cost to solve pothole problems in half,
they have the tool they need to elimi-
nate twice as many potholes”.
The earliest C1 success stories origi-
nate from some of the harshest pothole
states such as Wyoming and North Da-
kota. Brian Burky, Superintendent of
Public Works in Worland, WY stated,
“The C1 Combination machine is an
attractive solution for a city of our size
(just 5,500 residents) given its ability to
perform pothole patching, street edge
sealing and crack sealing operations.
The savings in material and productivi-
ty make the C1 an economical decision
for any size city faced with the need to
crack seal and patch potholes.” The first
repair work performed with the C1 in
Worland has endured two Wyoming
winters and the snowplows that accom-
panied them, with great success.
When the C1 launched, Cimline
promised that it would deliver three
industry-changing innovations in three
years. The team at Cimline has been
designing and testing their next con-
cepts diligently to make good on this
promise. The team at Cimline remains
energized by the success with their latest
innovation. So they, like Frost’s charac-
ter, find themselves in a “lovely” place,
understand they have promises to keep,
and both figuratively and quite literally
have miles to go before they sleep.
At Cimline, we design and manufac-
ture equipment to preserve roadways
throughout the world. With a drive for
performance and innovation, Cimline
continues to offer cutting edge technology
through its worldwide network of distrib-
utors. We are headquartered in Minne-
apolis, Minnesota with manufacturing
plants in Minnesota and Mississippi. To
learn more, visit or call us at
(877) 841-0848