In Memoriam
Don Anstine, one of the
pioneers of pavement main-
tenance, passed away August
23, 2019 at the age of 90.
He began protecting and
preserving asphalt parking
lots in 1966 as a Cosmicoat
distributor/applicator. He
was later to become one
of their first plant owners
when he established his
plant, SASCO Pavement
Coatings, Inc., in Spring-
field, Missouri. SASCO is now being run by Fred Anstine,
Don’s son, as its president and the third generation, in active
Along with a few of the existing Cosmicoat plants, Don
helped create the STAR organization. He was respected in
the industry for his fairness in dealings with everyone and his
outstanding character as a leader. He will be greatly missed.
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