“Think of decorative pavement as a selling
differentiator that can make you stand out from
the competition.”
ic chromaticity ratings. This is important to the safety of bicyclists
in road-side bike lanes. Studies have proven that fully colored bike
lanes delineate the area, and makes it more likely that other vehicles
will stay out of those zones.”
The painted / coated surface asphalt segment appears to be grow-
ing as more discover the useful applications.
“Coating projects are finding their way into school grounds, mu-
nicipal public areas, and various other hardscapes that allow color-
ful artistic projects that use nothing but color,” said Gerry Oliver,
operations manager with Pattern Paving Products, Fort Mill, S.C.
“The equipment used for application has remained pretty much
the same over the years with some small improvements on heating
and spraying equipment.”
The Decorative Future
“Think of decorative pavement as a selling differentiator that can
make you stand out from the competition,” Strassman said. “It’s
not for everyone, but can provide an aesthetic option to a home or
business property owner.”
For those considering entering the decorative asphalt pavement
market, the experts offer some advice.
“First, ensure you are in a market that has interest in decorative
products,” Oliver said.
As Strassman pointed out, “some high-end residential develop-
ments and office parks do not allow decorative pavement.”
It could be costly to the unknowing resident that their new beau-
tiful imprinted brick-pattern driveway is in violation of the subdivi-
sion bylaws and needs to be returned to what it was before.
The experts appear to agree that the market should be entered
nice and easy (like Ike and Tina Turner’s song Proud Mary).
As Oliver said: “Start small with the minimal amount of equip-
ment and grow as you build the market.”
Strassman agreed: “Start out small. Don’t over invest in equip-
ment and supplies. And keep in mind, decorative pavement also
appears to do well when the economy / market is strong -- if you’re
entering an economic slump, decorative paving will be seen as an
unnecessary expense.”
It also is helpful to have crew leaders and members that have an
eye for detail. The details of a decorative pavement project are typi-
cally what make it succeed as standing out as being cohesive, strik-
ing, and memorable.
As with many artistic projects, the piece is signed. Many compa-
nies will include their corporate logo or the name of the subdivision
in the decorative asphalt pavement as an appropriate statement of
where the visitor is located.
Perhaps the most fitting way to conclude an article on decorative
pavement is to see the diversity of finished projects. A visit to this
Pinterest posting shows 190 examples of the beautiful use of dec-
orative pavement:
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Jeff Winke is a business and construction writer based in Mil-
waukee, Wisconsin. He can be reached through jeff_winke@