APE APE October 2019 | Page 22

ASPHALT ANSWERS Discussing your specific needs and concerns with the product support team at the dealership can insure a lasting relationship. Take the tour. See for yourself, there is no curtain. Meet everyone at the dealership. Look at their parts department and meet the folks that answer your call when you are down. Let them show you how capable they are. You might be surprised to find that they stock parts for equipment that they don’t even sell. That’s right, they might have a hose shop that can make any hose you need. Or how about rub- ber tracks for your skid steer? You mean I can get skid steer parts from a dealer that doesn’t sell skid steers? Sit down with the service manager and discuss your specific situations and how you can work together to reduce your downtime. This is especially im- portant if you work outside of your home area. You want to sleep easy at night knowing that if you need help in an unfamiliar area, it’s only a phone call away. It’s an easy formula, you want to make sure that your hard earned money is well spent and the dealer wants to make sure they are the first call whenever you need anything. On your end, it’s making sure that your cost per ton is as low as pos- sible and your cost of ownership is rock bottom. Test your dealer – make sure he has all the right an- swers to win your business for years to come. Chances are, you’ll both learn something about each other’s business. And you might get lunch and a hat out of the deal to boot! Brian Hall is the territory manager of Mid South Region at ST Engineering LeeBoy, Inc. You can contact him at [email protected]. Article sponsored by LeeBoy and Rosco. For More Information On This Advertiser Please Visit www.CallAPE.com/e-inquiry www.callape.com [22] 1.800.210.5923