Video is one technology everyone’s familiar
with. It's been around forever and is becom-
ing more and more accessible for the average
business owner to utilize. Video production
software is available for all kinds of devices
in a huge range of prices and options. Cam-
eras and drones are easier than ever to use
and more affordable as well. Drone footage
is increasingly popular in construction — it
tells an amazing story, one that’s difficult to
capture from the ground.
A video isn’t really marketing until you
show it to people, and the available place-
ments are endless. You can put it on your
website, use it in your ads, place it on You-
Tube, or play it on a digital display at a trade
Digital Display
Digital display is replacing print in so many
places: digital billboards, menus, schedules,
heck, even in the aisles at Walmart.
Digital display offers a level of flexibility
print just can't accommodate. They can be
adjusted seasonally, for events, or to rotate
different messages continually, so your mar-
keting real estate isn’t locked into just one
message FOREVER.
When people think of apps, they usual-
ly think of something they download on
their phone. But applications are actually far
broader than that. An app can be in a web-
site, phone, kiosk, or computer. Regardless
of where your audience uses an app, the goal
is an interaction between your customer and
the information they want or need.
Apps can educate and train or allow peo-
ple to purchase products. We create website
apps for our clients to streamline events and
employment application processes, or to es-
timate prices and materials.
For example, one of my clients sells mulch,
and on their website there's an app allowing
visitors to calculate how much mulch they’ll
need for a project. After estimating, cus-
tomers can use the shopping app to place
their order online instead of calling it in.
Virtual Reality
Techies love to talk about virtual reality,
and from a marketing perspective, it’s quite
powerful. Virtual reality gives participants a
unique experience with your product or ser-
vice. While video tells a story, virtual reality
allows participants to be a part of the story
and feel it.
Don’t just tell them what it would be like
working through the night on a paving crew
- show them. Cars zooming by, lights flashing.
Let them feel their heart beat faster as they ex-
perience the situation through virtual reality.
Augmented Reality
Augmented reality allows people to see
what something could be like. For example,
many furniture companies offer apps that
let you augment reality so you can see what
their furniture would look like in your house
before you buy it. What could you show
people to help close the deal? How their
home would look with a new color of siding
or a refinished driveway might support and
speed up your sales process.
Continued on page 16
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