APE APE November 2019 | Page 8

Advertorial COVER STORY began voicing their displeasure as well, the subcontractor responded by bring- ing in multiple trucks for projects that only needed one. The problem? The subcontractor was using the wrong type of street sweepers -- regenerative sweepers -- for the po- rous asphalt application. When you have a name like Above & Beyond, it’s hard to accept lacklustre results. So, realizing the subcontrac- tor’s regenerative air street sweepers weren’t adequately picking up the par- ticulates in the porous asphalt applica- tion, John, Valerie and their team be- gan researching better solutions. That’s when they came across Johnston, a Bu- cher company and the VT652 vacuum street sweeper. John Dewitz, President at Above & Beyond Hydroseed, Inc. with his crew, the Johnston VT652 vacuum street sweeper, and Johnston Western Regional Sales Manager, Shawn Hutchings. The fact that I’m not taking three trucks out to do one job is going to be a huge sav- ing as well,” said Dewitz. “On certain sites, on some larger sites mainly, we’re seeing about a two-hour difference as far as the sweep time. Through the Johnston website, they connected to Western Regional Sales Manager Shawn Hutchings, who vis- ited and demoed the vacuum street sweeper for Above & Beyond. De- www.callape.com witz said Hutchings ensured the street sweeper was the right fit by asking key application specific questions. “It seemed capable of doing every- thing that we were looking for, and we decided to make the purchase,” said Dewitz. “With the Johnston VT652 that we purchased, it seems to be per- forming well, and we’re starting to get the results that we’re looking for.” Not only do the results look better, said Dewitz, but using the Johnston VT652 has also boosted efficiency and productivity. “The fact that I’m not taking three trucks out to do one job is going to be a huge saving as well,” said Dewitz. “On certain sites, on some larger sites mainly, we’re seeing about a two-hour difference as far as the sweep time. “That’s on a site with about 100 home sites, probably half of that being in construction. We sweep about, oh, 30 sites a month right now. Overall, that adds up to pretty big savings.” All the sediment that wasn’t getting picked up by the subcontractor had been ground into the porous pavement month after month. That means the crews at Above and Beyond Hydroseed [8] are still seeing improved results each time they go into the subdivisions. More importantly, so is their client. Dewitz said he used to hear his client question whether the subcontractor had even done the job. “Now they definitely see that we’ve been there,” said Dewitz. Don’t waste time and money. In- stead, listen and learn more about Above & Beyond Hydroseed’s unique street sweeper application and the solution they found with Johnston’s vacuum street sweeper! We have a special Sweepers and Tankers pod- cast interview with John Dewitz and the full transcript here: https://john- stonsweepers.us/podcast-john-dewitz- above-and-beyond-hydroseed/ Matt Starnes is the Product Marketing Manager for Johnston, a Bucher compa- ny and Bucher Municipal North Amer- ica. Johnston, a BUCHER company headquarters is located in Mooresville, North Carolina. To learn more, visit Johnstonsweepers.us or call us at 704- 658-1333. The Bucher Municipal Cen- ter of Excellence is now open in Ontario, California. 1.800.210.5923