APE APE November 2019 | Page 26

ASPHALT ANSWERS Demos are a popular way to make a decision on equipment late in the season. Are You Buying or Being Sold? W here did 2019 go? Seems as if we were just getting the year started and now in many re- gions, plants are shutting down. From most accounts, it was a busy year. Many states passed infrastructure bills which kept everyone working in their own specialty. To that end, it’s certainly time to start looking at purchases for year-end tax deductions. Section 179 was further expanded this year and now is the time to consider investments for accelerated depreciation. This month, let’s look at some of the pitfalls of shop- www.callape.com ping for new or used equipment. You are sure to be bombarded with oppor- tunities to purchase machinery, but let’s take a step back and educate ourselves as to what make sense to you. It’s your investment, right? Let’s make sure your money works for you instead of just lin- ing someone else’s pocket. Look backwards and forwards. How was your year? Did you accom- plish the goals you set last January? Great, so what about 2020? Now is the time to aim for where you want to be in 2021. With that in mind, what kind [26] BRIAN HALL of equipment will you be looking at for next season. Did you find yourself in a bind when it came to tack distribu- tion? Could you use a milling machine or attachment? Some contractors are considering putting on a second or third crew. Whatever the case, now is the time to focus on moving forward at the pace you are comfortable with. Re- member, slow and steady wins the race. Beware of buying what’s on the lot. Good dealers have quite an as- sortment of machines with different options ready on their yard. But make 1.800.210.5923